Good afternoon everyone.
I am building up towards a Kickstarter in the Spring to fund the majority of the art for my game. As a studio which has not produced anything before I know a big issue that can prevent people from backing is questioning whether we are even capable of delivering a finished product, or that we might simply run away with the money.
To help alleviate some of these concerns, our plan is to have a vertical slice of the game complete and playable at the launch of the Kickstarter. It will include one to two hours worth of content. We have a playable vertical slice now, we are just overhauling the in game art and assets to make it presentable. However we are not sure about:
1. Should we only allow reviewers and Youtubers play the demo? I have been told by some not to let backers play the demo because it can do more harm to your campaign than good as every tiny bug and unmet expectation can have a lot of backlash. The risk however is that no Youtubers and reviewers will be interested at all in playing the game.
2. Or for trust building purposes should we just let anyone who is interested play the demo even if it has some flaws and that some parts do not reflect well what the finished product will be?
3. Are there any other ways you might suggest for building trust and credibility as a new studio?
Thank you for your time.