
Logitech mouse m90 - "Radiation"?

Started by December 16, 2015 12:56 AM
16 comments, last by Brain 9 years ago

Old microsoft mouse broke and brought a new one for short bucks. M90 with huge "possible radiation damages!" stamped all over the instructional manual. On the box, it's all "top provider", blahblah. Came from finding this thread.

Unfortunately, mine doesn't simply say "don't look into it!"..

Should I be worried? Had a quick comb of the house for other boxes. Couldn't find any but peering at desktops, it's microsoft, wireless etc. I've brought two mouses before - both of them wireless and one logitech. That was a time in life where I never bothered to read the manual first. Though I should've kept it somewhere just in case. Too many house moves makes this an obscure somewhere.

Had a quick search online. Invisible laser beam for some logitech. Surface visibility protection for a wireless. Constant invible beam (when left upside down) for another. Not sure if wireless.

Review site (non logitech) for the exact mouse came 3/4 for positive recommendation. Logitech staff replied to a poster on their forum stating, no wireless mouse emits radiation. This was a question asked and answered in 2008 by a now retired employee who registered in 2007.

Now I'm scared for my life. Not really. I'm sure being a top provider, it's got most cases taken care of. For over 14s. Computer hibernation of a million days, accidental mouse drops, mouse cleanings, other person's back as mouse mat, habit of side to side sways while impatiently waiting for page loads. What if I wet cleaned the mouse pad itself? How dry does it need to be before it can be used again? Or the glass desk? This isn't even counting the amount of tissue-assisted dust cleaning with the old mouse.. Should I be worried about tissue fluffs left inside?

Want to be prepared for the one instance in which I am somehow, different with the way I treat my mouse. Gotta be more careful with water spillings than ever for one thing.. And no, I haven't tried it yet. Thank you for sticking with methrough my highly paranoid rantings.

WiFi, Bluetooth, Lasers, Radio, Microwaves, Sunlight, Moonlight, Torchlight... are all radiation. Beware. Don't look at the sun or you'll get a nasty radiation burn on your retina. Don't stand in the sun too long or you'll get a nasty radiation burn on your skin. Don't look into a laser mouse. Don't put your pet mouse in the microwave.

Make sure you buy a mouse pad that can't get cancer from the radiation! Also, any bacteria on the mouse pad may mutate into virulent strains from the radiation (like the hulk!), so make sure you wash your hands and your mouse pad on a regular basis and don't get any food crumbs on it that the bacteria can feed on.

Do you seriously not have a lead glove for mouse operation?


Selective Quote

~Too Late - Too Soon~

What about background radiation left over from the big bang? Beware of that evil radiation, it's all around us :lol:

No, sarcasm mode off, I think you have nothing to worry about...

It's only dangerous if you have three or four mice in close proximity to you. A single one won't hurt you unless you use it wrong.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”


When cell phones started getting popular there was a bunch of discussions popping up about the possible dangerous of radiation. It was scary cause the companies cant say "no risk" so they say in minuscule warning that it may be possible though tests are inconclusive.

When I think about it sincerely, I do think all this stuff together, plus food chemicals (preservatives, etc.) add to the number of cancer cases. You put together a million of things that alone wouldnt be a problem, you probably are getting a higher cancer count overall. I just dont think its a meaningful number.

But its scary that its like if you will live enough to get a cancer. Who dies of old these days. Most close ppl I hear have died was from cancer.

I think it's a mistake that society has unquestioningly embraced wireless devices. We now live in a sea of radiation. Mobile phones typically have a peak transmission power of 1W (when they are far from the tower, or blocked). Some phones can transmit up to 2W. These levels are quite high. At some power levels, mobile phone frequencies will affect human tissue. But this is where it starts getting complicated (and worrying). You have to take the frequencies and wavelengths into account as the resonant frequencies of every part of your body need to be considered, from cells up to skulls. For instance 900 MHz signals will resonate in a child's skull. Another thing to consider is that in many studies lower power signals have been shown to be more damaging than higher power signals - this seems counter intuitive - but the systems that are being affected are not responding in a linear fashion. Think of rubbing your finger around the rim of a glass. It's actually the lower speed (energy) that will create resonance.

The September 2000 newsletter of the Cellular Phone Taskforce, No Place To Hide, reported on some studies presented at the June 2000 European Parliament meeting on mobile phones and health. In one presentation, Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, of the Medical University of Lubeck, Germany, said,“Some people become ill at power densities of less than 10 nanowatts/cm2. ... Small children are very sensitive to these emitters, down to field densities of 1 nanowatt/cm2.”

And it's not just cancer that we should be worrying about. Aggressive cancer is actually the late stage consequence of radiation damage. There are other effects that begin earlier on .. neurological, reproductive, and cardiac. Problems with severe headaches, sleep disturbances, memory loss, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and infertility show up long before cancer. When cancer does appear, it’s typically brain tumors, leukemia, and lymphoma.

There's no actual evidence or serious studies suggesting that there is any danger whatsoever to the wireless signals that we currently use, from any of our devices. Every claim to the contrary, including Dr. Klitzing, is scaremongering anti-science nonsense. Present a controlled double blind study published in a credit journal or GTFO.

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My voice resonates my skull, does that mean I have cancer?

Just checked WebMD, I have cancer.

I just saw a radiologist, he concluded that it was this thread that gave me the cancer.

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