I've already decided a while ago to work with Unity, because i've worked a lot with C# until that time. B in the recent time i've also worked a lot with c++, so i guess it wouldn't make any difference to me, but i'm already registered in the unity community, so i guess that i will stay with Unity and make my projects with it.
I'm currently searching for good instructions or tutorials on how to build up "good" and also easy expandable (modular) levels. I also want to do it directly the correct way, without any mesh problems or whatever could happen there. I guess i also need to work a bit more on my Art Skills. The last time i've focused a little bit more on my Programming skills and also more OOP like and also a bit on learning how to create Art stuff with Blender. I'm also looking for good Tutorials about creating game assets and make them game or engine ready, so if you guys have any good ones, please leae a post here. ;)
Especially for characters or creatures for a game and on how to create buildings and textures. To be honest i still need to work a lot of my Art skills i guess, because programming wise i'm much better.
Are their maybe also any good Level Design Tutorials out there, or "complete" Tutorials to create a small FPS, a Tower Defense game or a small 2D Game, maybe also including the creation of the assets for the game? (Doesn't have to be included) Like the title may also suggests, i would also like to take a look at procedural level generation and voxel terrain or voxels, is that right said? ;). Are their any good resources / tutorials for that somewhere? Somehow i have a huge interest in that both themes.
I don't want to make any too big game yet, don't missunderstand me please. I've already made ping pong, breakout and some basic other baisc game, like text games with Unity, to get into the Engine again. Maybe i will now also start to make a Pacman Clone and after that with a 2D Game. But my target is a Tower Defense game then or maybe a cool small 3D Game. I have a few very nice ideas for the Tower Defense game.
I'm also searching for an Tutorial, on how to make a weather system in Unity? I've not found any good one yet, so if you guys have one, please share it also with me, please.
So, do you have any good resources or links to websites or youtube videos, where i can find "good" Tutorials on that themes and maybe also good looking finsihed assets, which are maybe also free to use or to take a look at?