
Mac os x game programming advice?

Started by December 03, 2015 02:31 PM
2 comments, last by roblane09 9 years, 3 months ago

Hello! I have a little experience of working with C# in Unity and MonoDevelop, a little C++ experience (but not much), and a little experience programming arduinos. I also have the software "Game Maker" for mac. I wonder if you have any advice for me if I would like to develop games for mac. Do you suggest xcode?

I would like to program them from scratch, I don't want to use engines like unity.

If you want to use C++ (or Objective C or Swift), use Xcode.

If you want to use C#, use Xamarin Studio.

If you use Xcode for C++ you'll still need to learn yourself a little bit of Objective C or Swift just to get the bootstrapping of your application squared away. It shouldn't require your understanding much more than the default generated code that come with the project templates though. Alternatively, find a library that handles the bootstrapping for you.

If you use Xamarin Studio for C#, you want to be using the MonoMac projects, probably. Xamarin Studio is freely available but contains a handful of hooks that try to get you to buy in to their developer programs. You don't need to do this if you don't want to, but you'll want to watch out for the dialogs (which to get you to "upgrade to Xamarin.Mac for this project" and the like) and choose the appropriate "no thanks" options.


If you want to use C++ (or Objective C or Swift), use Xcode.

I despise XCode with the passion of a thousand suns. I would recommend CLion, QT Creator or even Netbeans with C++ before I would use that hateful tool again.

I second Xamarian as I've been enjoying that on OSX for both Unity and non-Unity games using C#.

While I really enjoy XCode for creating iOS applications using Objective C or Swift, I can't say I use it for really any other languages/platforms.

I've had some luck with Netbeans but it can be a bit of a memory hog at times.

OSX also has some flexibility with the CLI (terminal) environment, I know many that use vim with tmux or even emacs to code in OSX. I have experience with tmux and vim on Linux environments so it was an easy transition for me. The caveat here is you're on the command line so aside from running GCC commands yourself you will want to use 'make' or a similar tool for more complex builds (e.g. CMake). There are many plugins available for vim so you can essentially give it the same functionality you find in a GUI IDE, but if you have never done this before there is a bit of a learning curve getting everything configured and learning the hot keys.

"this feature will ship in version 1.0 for sufficiently large values of 1."

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