
Development Platform Recommendations??

Started by January 19, 2000 07:49 AM
3 comments, last by zygan 25 years, 1 month ago
I am fairly new to 3-D Game Programming. I am wanting to build a SERIOUS developemnt machine, and just out of curiosity I am wondering what the different people here recommend/use for hardware/OS/dev environments in games I am CONSIDERING a dual PIII/Geforce/lots of ram setup but the OS is the part that i am getting conflicting signals from... NT/98?? or linux?? Any help is appreciated zygan
I don''t know for sure, but i do not think that win 98 supports multiple processors, but NT does!
and Linux. If i were you I would run win NT!

I hope you got any help from this...

Martin Hjalmarsson
ICQ# 22869599
Martin Hjalmarssonprogramming@swipnet.seICQ# 22869599
One problem is NT doesn''t support DX 7 (or anything about DX 3). It would be kind of annoying to have to reboot or go to another computer to debug. If you code GL, NT should be fine. Or put 2000 on the box. A dual boot into linux wouldn''t be a bad idea.

It also might not hurt to put a voodoo2 in it, just to check older video card compatibility.

RAM is much more important than processor speed. If you have to choose between a extra $100 in processor versus an extra $100 in RAM, go for RAM.

I use a PII-300 with 384 MB RAM (maxed out the motherboard). I''ve found that it compiles faster than a PIII-500 with 128 MB RAM.
Considering the choice of operating system, I say Windows 95/98/2K is the most certain choice. Graphic, sound card, and just drivers in general are generally poorly supported in Linux/UNIX. I doubt they have GeForce drivers yet, but perhaps. Check Besides that, Windows let you take over the machine pretty much completley, UNIX doesnt. In addition to that i must say i love Visual C++. Its the best IDE i've ever used! Not to be cranking down on GCC UNIX rocks, but im afraid Windows is still the major gaming platform. The vast majority of games released today are for Windows and about 99% of all the common users run Windows. Though, Linux is slowly struggling its way up on the market.

All i can say; Lokigames, keep the good work coming!

Edited by - Staffan on 1/19/00 12:26:33 PM
One of the best things I did to my development machine at work was to add another 64 or 128 MB of RAM to it, and set up that RAM as a RAMDisk for scratch files generated by compiling.

Compiling is more disk intensive than most people think - If you can''t spring for the RAM, at least get a beast of a SCSI drive, or at the BARE minimum a 7200 RPM 66 drive.

OS-wise, I''d either take the DX verion hit and go with NT4, or wait until Win2000. If you put Win98 on a dual CPU system, you instantly turn one of your CPUs into a very expensive heater.

I''d also say ditch the 2nd CPU and go multi-monitor instead (for full screen debugging). I think you''d get more use out of a 2nd monitor than a 2nd CPU.

Just my $0.02 -

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!

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