
The Birth of a Lich

Started by November 14, 2015 01:43 AM
10 comments, last by Ragnarokker 9 years, 1 month ago

Liches can have great job advancement potential. Werent the Nazgul in LoTR Liches ?

--------------------------------------------[size="1"]Ratings are Opinion, not Fact
Liches always have intruiged me.
If the ordinary boy does become a Lich he gets consumed in the evil and soon the boy realises his mistake and starts a journey within his consciousness in order to defeat the unspeakable evil which is committing all sorts of horrendous crimes.
The boy is forced is relive his worst memories and his Dreamscape in order to finally reach the evil and defeat it for the greater good and also a massive personality development by the end of the game.
If such a game existed then I would love it!

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