Hi there,
I am working on an adventure TPP game in which the game character is a hacker. It is the minor feature of the game, however the player from time to time will have to break some codes, hacks some computers etc. I would very much like to deliver a bit of reality in that aspect like using command line, searching patterns in memory dumps, installing keyloggers and so on (Just to make player feel like me when I was a kid at school shutting down all PCs via net to my class-mates during IT classes). However I cannot assume that person playing this game will have any experience in hacking, bash, programming, scripting or any OS administration. So I would like to ask for any tips that would help me to make this enough easy for player but still interesting and giving the sense of really hacking into a computer.
For now I have designed it in such way that the game character is a hacker and he has the knowledge on how to do hacking stuff. So the player only does quite simple tasks like installing keylogger and watches the rest being done by the character. For example: you are supposed to break into some wi-fi spot. You get the menu with options which are explained by the game character. When choosing one, then you have update in your notepad what you need to do to achieve the goal. Any suggestions on how to improve that part?