I'm currently developing a game in Unity and it's an action game with a game speed between bayonetta and dark souls. I have been trying to study how these games handle the animation switching but it's hard since I can't record any footage to analyze. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it looks like a game as fast as bayonetta even uses a few frames to smooth things out. For example: when running and then turning around and running in the opposite direction, she seems to be stopping for a few frames before continuing to run in the opposite direction. If she is standing completely still is impossible for me to tell.
Can someone please help me out? I'm aware of the possiblity to test all different kind of options but since I'm using free assets atm the result will be far from optimal. I would like to know the following:
-How many frames should be used to stand still when changing running direction by 180 degrees?
-Are these frames spent as a running animation, idle, or even a turn?
-What about when the change in direction is less than 180 degrees, would that require any animation changes?
Thanks for reading .