Not even an air-gap will save you when they use thermal sensors to steal your data using heat...
Hack proof is impossible. In order to do any work, a person needs to have access to that data. People can always be hacked. Therefore your data can always be stolen. QED.
"The proof-of-concept attack requires both systems to first be compromised with malware. And currently, the attack allows for just eight bits of data to be reliably transmitted over an hour"
So basically if somone already hacked your system that is air gaped (see how it's not really a new problem there since you already screwed up before) they can steal 8 bit worth of data per hour? Sure they can send commands and in the sample they give to control a missile i guess 8 bit of data per hour is plenty to send a position to your pre installed malware to control it, however the hard part seems to be yknow, preinstalling the malware into the computer that was probably never connected to anything except the missile system itself.
Proof of concept. Can always get better.
The point was simply that there are ways to get data off a system without even plugging it in. The idea of an air-gapped system is not only to prevent malware from getting in, but to prevent any malware from getting data out. If the malware can get in (via aforementioned meat-space hacking, which isn't really hard) then the data can get out. Even without wires.
But the system is already very insecure in this setup, what's the point of an air gaped system if you allow easy physical access to it? For the mentioned technique to work the computers have to be right_next_to_each_other. So i don't see how that would ever result in an exploit since if you're hacking someone you need this someone to have his computer physically right next to the one you want to connect to, and to which you must previously have installed software, i mean you can't make this any harder for yourself.
Oh look, a computer, i have physical access to it, what should i do, should i access it? Oh no i'll just install malware on it, wait for someone else on the company to connect to the net, hack into that, hope that person uses a model of computer who's heat dissipation is compatible with my preinstalled software, wait for him to be connected to the internet somehow in a room where air gaped computers are but where surely there is plenty of wifi and ethernet cables to the net "just in case", and use that to get the control i could've gotten instantly when i had physicall access now, at an 8bit/hour rate.
Yea that's totally going to be a game changer. This is never going to be used, ever, there won't ever be a scenario where it makes sense to use that, it's interesting, it may open up other thoughts, but as is it's useless, if you up the bandwidth by 100 000X, it's still just as useless, it only opens up the following previously closed target:
- Air gaped computers in rooms with internet where you previously had access to the computer and didn't need to access it right now and were sure your software wouldn't be discovered for a while and knew you could also access a computer connected system that was in the same room and nearly next to the critical air gaped system.
Seriously, i'm not even sure 1 computer in the whole world went from "protected" to "vulnerable" when you see those restrictions.