What do people think of these character types for an encounter-based game:
1. Archer - looses arrows
2. Slinger - slings stones
3. Bunter - throws darts
4. Combat Magician - starts off frying things
5. Research Magician - starts off being able to understand anything spoken or written
6. Physical Sneak - starts off with ability to go around undetected
7. Magical Sneak - same as Physical, but does it magically
8. Bruiser - starts off with barehanded meelee combat
9. Smasher - starts off with blunt weapons
10. Cutter - starts off with edged weapons
11. Healer - starts off healing injuries
12. Curist - starts off curing ailments and diseases
13. Purifier - starts off remediating contaminants such as poison and possession
14. Handler - starts off able to recruit and direct any of the other 13 who become available