Cons: Mass shootings, suicide, increased likelihood of gun related crime
Pros: "fuck off... I like guns"
I like guns.
I get a significant amount of enjoyment out of shooting random objects with guns in a safe location.
Automatic guns are really fun to shoot. Powerful guns are really fun to shoot.
I have no purpose for having them other than to enjoy myself.
If guns are banned I will be sad.
I do not like to be sad.
And that is the best argument for owning a gun. If you are a responsible, law-abiding citizen, why shouldn't you have a gun? It is fun to shoot guns. I once fired an AK47 on full auto in Cambodia. It was goddamn awesome.
I have several friends here in NZ who hunt. Every now and then, I get a present of some venison. I love venison, it's really tasty.
But if someone here said "I need a gun for protection", even the other gun owners would think they were a paranoid nutjob. As Jim says in the linked video "how many enemies do you have that you think someone is coming to murder you?".
If someone broke into my house, a) they probably wouldn't have a gun and b) I'd say "Fuck it, take the TV, I'm insured... I'll get a new one.. also you have 5 minutes before I call the cops. Here, I'll help you disconnect it". Not only is someone stealing my shit not worth dying for, it's not even worth killing for.
But here's the thing. Almost no-one (no-one with any sense) is actually suggesting banning guns, simply regulating them, like any sensible country does.
I'll be honest, the self-defense angle has never made much sense to me. I have a coworker who is an NRA instructor for their self-defense inside and outside the home courses, and talking to him, you really have to devote a lot of time to practice and technique to have much chance of being effective in a close-quarter, life-or-death situation. Then there is the constant planning to have your concealed weapon at hand, or on the nightstand, and having to carry million-dollar personal liability insurance, to cover legal costs if you do have to use a weapon in self-defense. It does sound like a very paranoid mindset, to me - but I'm from a backwoods area of New England where no one ever even locks their doors.
One of the problems is that the United States is a lot bigger than people seem to realize, and it is far from a homogeneous place. Leaving aside any racial issues, people in Alabama have a different culture than people in SoCal, who have different ideas than people in NorCal. Massachusetts and New Hampshire, two smaller neighboring states in the north-east, have completely different gun control laws and gun cultures.
I don't know that this is really a debate that can have a productive outcome... I would be very concerned about any regulations that criminalized innocuous behavior. It's already far too easy to get wrung up on some kind of regulation or ordinance you didn't know was illegal if you are stopped by a cop having a bad day. I'm also concerned that the people who draft many of these regulations have no freaking idea what they are talking about, and that they would push into law something which has good optics, but is in practice ineffective or even anti-productive, a la the TSA.
I have a vested interest in trying to keep gun control laws to a minimum reasonable level, since I'm a gun owner, and I don't like being made to feel like a criminal because I happen to have inherited a number of iron tubes and enjoy using them from time to time to blow holes in soda cans or to put meat on the table (Hunting and fishing laws and regulations are an entire other can of worms - I'm not sure a completely legal deer has ever been shot since they stopped being the personal property of old-world monarchs). I choose to live in an area that is relatively safe, and where there is a culture of responsible gun ownership. At least to some extent, I think the pushback against gun regulations is that it feels like top-down collective punishment, of the school-room "Well, somebody crapped in the urinal, the whole class has detention for a week, m'kay?" variety. Some jackass pissed in the punch-bowl and ruined things for everybody else that was just going about their business.