Oh come on, its near impossible to shoot multiple close range fast moving targets with a bolt-action hunting rifle. Its a breeze with a semi or full automatic with an external magazine. Of course a hunting rifle can kill a person, if that was your intent; no one's arguing that. But imagine the Columbine shoots but now with a bolt action rifle. One person dead, the rest are fine after having just run away. In nearly every situation involving people, a bolt action rifle is a very poor choice of weapon.
I didn't compare bolt-actions to guns like an AR-15, but semi-auto is semi-auto is semi-auto. So, do you also lump in semi-automatic hunting rifles with your ban? Because they function every bit as an AR-15. There's no way Grandpa Hugh is going to give up his semi-auto hunting rifle, and even the gun-fearing public are reticent to touch Grandpa's hunting rifle (And, to be clear, hunting misses the point entirely, but that's a whole other discussion). There's a reason the politicians go after and villianize these so-called assault-weapons or "black rifles" as gun rights people call them -- its because its easy to make the argument you're making: They look like military guns, therefore they must perform like military guns, therefore they should not be in the hands of the public.
As I have said, long guns of any type are used in only a very small amount of crimes. The AR-15 in less than half a percent, despite being the single-most popular firearm in the country. If it were such a dangerous gun so ideal for commiting crimes, it'd show up in police evidence lockers far more than it does. Again, I think that both sides actually are willing to work together to reduce gun violence, but the gun-control folks need to stop shopping 'solutions' that look like they're doing something important, but don't actually do much besides make it difficult for the law abiding to go about their business, and likewise, gun supporters need to back down a bit from the "give them an inch and they'll take a mile rhetoric." (pro-tip: gun control folks, stop feeding into that by proposing stupid things).
Taking the car analogy a little further, so you think anyone should be able to drive without a drivers license? There's different licenses for different vehicle types because they operate differently. To group all vehicles together is silly. Likewise pretending a hunting rifle is in the same category as an assault weapon is silly.
Hence why I've said, since the very beginning, what has been lost in this conversation is the distinction between types of guns and their primary uses. I didn't argue that guns should be banned, but I don't think its unreasonable that more dangerous guns require more stringent restrictions.
Unless you plan to drive a commercial vehicle like a semi truck that's not really true in the sense that there's really no additional regulation around most other types of vehicles. To drive a large RV or motorcycle you need a special endorsement, but its basically a few hours training to make sure you have a basic level of competency and is a cheap, rubber-stamp sort of deal. There is no special license needed to trade your '89 civic in for a 200mph super-car.
Furthermore (and I might make a contrary argument if we were talking about that), a car is not currently seen by the law to be a right (that is, you have to apply for the privilege), whereas you do have a natural and irrevocable right to defend yourself, and with that comes a reasonable expectation to acquiring the tools of defense.
Now if we talk about this or that weapon requires this or that class of license, you get into a whole world of messiness. Already there are may-issue states for concealed carry permits where they refuse to issue any unless you can show a "need" -- basically that you've been credibly and specifically threatened -- or that you're some kind of celebrity or rich person likely to be targeted without a specific threat. They use this seemingly-innocent mechanism not to enable lawful concealed carriers as it should be (and that's a court precedent, not my opinion) but are using it to deny most everyone. Now, when you talk about the logistics of efficiently putting every would-be gun owner through such a process (and most proposals want a periodic update every several years) that's no small task given the 100 million plus gun owners. You'll either create a whole new government organization to run it all at that scale, or you'll create a bottleneck so small that it prevents people from being able to posses the guns they're entitled to. Or you maybe privatize it, which has its own problems.
If you know your constitutional history, you'll know that the amendments are not an enumeration of rights granted by government to the people. Rather, the constitution was a document that gave power from the people to the government they were giving birth to. The amendments -- indeed, why they're "amendments" at all, and not in the main body of the document -- are the clauses added by the states to make it explicit what the people *were not giving up* -- the states would not sign on until those amendments were included. This was in large part because the early government distrusted standing armies (which is why the third amendment talks about the quartering of troops), but also because they recognized the natural right of a person to defend them-self against an aggressor of any kind, and in doing so would need access to equal or greater means of inflicting harm.
I'm sitting here, reading this and all I can see is:
American: "but if we don't have guns the bad mans will murder and kill us and take all our stuffs!"
As someone who lives in the UK, where legal ownership of guns is highly restricted, all I can say is "Wut?".
I would love to have a German-style autobahn with 140mph speed limits right here in America. The trouble with that is that we're too geographically spread out. We would never pay for maintaining the quality and construction of roadways that would be necessary at such a scale as we have interstates or freeways. Furthermore, our car culture is different -- we don't eliminate distraction from driving to the point of omitting cup-holders, for instance, as most German cars do. My point is: what works in Germany won't work here.
There are more guns than people in the US, and even if somehow it was decided tomorrow that everyone was to turn them in or even register them, no one would comply. They didn't comply in New York, they certainly aren't going to comply in Montana or Texas or Arizona. Certainly the bad guys aren't -- their guns don't have any paper-trail whatsoever, and they're about gain a huge advantage if any of the population does give theirs up. And certainly no police force wants the job of trying to enforce that ban by confiscating them -- its unpopular, both because it could turn dangerous, and because no one want's to go door to door telling their friends and neighbors that we're taking something from you that you've never misused.
People that say "Lets just ban guns" think about it like the guns will vanish the moment that the President puts pen to paper and signs the bill. Again, it wasn't so in New York, and it won't be so anywhere else. People would do well to remember than whenever you pass a law, no matter how small, it comes with an implicit threat of violence -- if you are cited for jaywalking and refuse to pay your fine, eventually someone will come to place you in jail, and if you protest your arrest too actively you'll be tased, beaten, subdued, possibly shot and killed. That doesn't mean there should be no rules, but it does mean we shouldn't be in the business of creating laws that make offenders out of non-offenders, or otherwise non-violent people.