Hi iam kinda brand new here and i need a opinion is my game ready for steam greenlight heres a link to the game
please feel free to tell me what you think also the game isn't finished
Hi iam kinda brand new here and i need a opinion is my game ready for steam greenlight heres a link to the game
please feel free to tell me what you think also the game isn't finished
Hi Chazz85,
Could you offer a bit more information about the game? What's the objective of the game? What are the features of the game and what's currently implemented? It looks like you've been putting a lot into it so far and the core building mechanics are clear but that 1 minute video and no further information makes it hard to judge. Based on literally what I've seen and no other information I'd say it isn't. But tell me more: Sell your game to me!
I'd vote no, but I could see a better video turn that around. Build something awesome in your game, and include that in the video with the player working on it. A few blocks on the ground with different shapes and textures doesn't look fun, but showing something cool that was built with those blocks might.
Also, is it an actual game, or is it just digital building blocks? If you plan to have a challenge of some kind, or something that can be done with the stuff that gets built, it would be good to include some of that before trying to get the game green lit.
Radiant Verge is a Turn-Based Tactical RPG where your movement determines which abilities you can use.
Also, there is a bigger issue, even if it's far more complete they will say "why are you maing a clone of [put game name here], can't you invent something yourself - thumbs down" or something along these lines (I have seen these comments dozen times). They will literally eat you alive. Dunno why there is such hatred towards clones of popular games...
I would focus on explaining/showing why it's not "just another MC clone", preferably not with words.
Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube
The video doesn't show how much fun the game is. So like DifferentName said, try to show things you can build, not just what you build with. Show something that users would want to build themselves.
Hi Chazz85,
Could you offer a bit more information about the game? What's the objective of the game? What are the features of the game and what's currently implemented? It looks like you've been putting a lot into it so far and the core building mechanics are clear but that 1 minute video and no further information makes it hard to judge. Based on literally what I've seen and no other information I'd say it isn't. But tell me more: Sell your game to me!
The idea and objective of the game is that you can build and create anything you want in the game. The present features are the generic minecraft style building with around 47 blocks 5 objects that are not blocks and large scale things like platforms and towers. You can customise the colours of each of these objects allowing more variety in building,terraforming is also a feature in the game. The hole concept of the game is to be able to build anything you want i plan on implamenting things like fully customisable blocks,fully customisable NPC's same for cars. Probably even a map editor so you can build your own landscape. Yet at present i lack the knowledge,time and resources to do this i was thinking of doing some crowd funding when iam ready.
I'd vote no, but I could see a better video turn that around. Build something awesome in your game, and include that in the video with the player working on it. A few blocks on the ground with different shapes and textures doesn't look fun, but showing something cool that was built with those blocks might.
Also, is it an actual game, or is it just digital building blocks? If you plan to have a challenge of some kind, or something that can be done with the stuff that gets built, it would be good to include some of that before trying to get the game green lit.
I have tried to build something awesome in the game for a trailer but due to having to do thing everyday and some save game issues which is have fixed. I havn't had time to create anything like this recently. The rest of your question is explained in my reply to mark locks question just look there.
Also, there is a bigger issue, even if it's far more complete they will say "why are you maing a clone of [put game name here], can't you invent something yourself - thumbs down" or something along these lines (I have seen these comments dozen times). They will literally eat you alive. Dunno why there is such hatred towards clones of popular games...
I would focus on explaining/showing why it's not "just another MC clone", preferably not with words.
Yeah i have been really,really trying to do this and has been a focal point of my work for some time which is why iam trying to 1 up minecrafts building system as much as possible. I think iam gonna need to post more game play to get my idea across to you four
The video doesn't show how much fun the game is. So like DifferentName said, try to show things you can build, not just what you build with. Show something that users would want to build themselves.
yeah iam gonna do this
Also is there a way to reply to people normally.
Check this:
A perfect example of minecraftish thing that feels totally unclonish. Also it looks super cool.
Make something like that and you have me interested.
Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube