I recently decided to start developing a text-based RPG/Rogue-like thing in my spare time. I don't really have any long-term plans for it but it passes the time and I've never done a text-based game before, and I'm trying to get better at how I organize my code/objects. It's just a standard RPG medieval setting with magic and stuff, like D&D, and I just sort of throw features in when I think something'd be cool.
ANYWAYS, there's a lot of writing to do, which seems obvious in a text-based thing, but it caught me off guard somehow. One thing is that every item, be it equipment or a consumable or a quest item, has a description. I've started with basic gear with placeholder descriptions, and right now everything is modeled after the way that Skyrim (pretty much the whole Elder Scrolls series, actually) handles gear: the same piece of equipment is denoted as better by the material it's made of, ie Iron Dagger -> Steel Dagger -> Ebony Dagger.
I'm concerned that because I can only differentiate pieces of gear mainly by the description/name, just changing the material of stuff won't be as interesting for the Player, and will be harder to write (it's a dagger... made of steel this time"). Do you guys think that taking a page out of something like Demon's Souls book, where weapon trees are comprised of unique weapons, is a better idea? Something like Butcher Knife -> Hunter's Dagger -> Assassin's Blade? And, in general, do you prefer one method over the other? Why?