hi guys
i've been learning about d3d11 for a while by following tutorials now. and i am at the point wehre i want to convert all the prototype stuff i put while learning to a super basic game engine(just the structure and basic draw calls etc... no sound, no special effect, no physics, no fancy stuff.).
the problem is i can't figure out a way to lay the design / logic correctly as to my understanding there are two thigns that contradict. i have a game class that should supposedly run game code and contains a graphics class object that would contain the graphics objects... wait what??? so if you have a player "bob" and "monster1" how would they be layed out? would they be graphic objects with pure graphical stuff(geometry, indecies, shaders, constant buffers, graphics methods) or would they be game objects(movement actions, health etc,) if one or other then how should the game class and the graphics class interact in a cleanly way since all the graohical stuff must be affected by game logic?
any helpful comments, resources or even an answer to the question... i take it all with open arms.