Super late to this topic, but I just joined and am listening to everything I can.
I read on the Soundcloud page that you weren't to mixing on these samples yet. Do you quantize while you mix? I ask out of curiosity about your process, but also because in the day version, the rhythms seem slightly off in places. Getting your beats aligned could really tighten it up.
I agree with others about the feel of the day track, so I'm interested to hear your rewrite.
It's probably too expected, but I anticipated whistling in the night version. I would have loved to have heard it, but understand how it could be too on the nose for a western vibe. I also feel the organ in the day version doesn't fit aesthetically either. If you wanted a keyed instrument, maybe an upright piano or tack piano, but you'd be good w/ just guitar, that percussion you have going on, and some strings. Brass could help too. A real frontier vibe. Please post the next draft! Would love to hear it.