
First Come-First Serve Software Giveaway

Started by August 14, 2015 12:04 AM
9 comments, last by _Drakenon_ 9 years, 2 months ago

Hello! I've recently received some game-making software that I don't plan to use, ever, and as such would like to give it away to someone who can use it. The list below contains the names of all the software and whether you need to go on Steam to use it, go on the website, etc. as well as a very brief description (I apologize if it's not descriptive enough; I'm doing this with the hopes that all of these are known by at least someone). Most of it is software that you can use straight out of the box to get going, but the rest of it is either website licenses or something specific.

Since I only have nine pieces of software, the first nine people to respond to this post along with what piece of software they'd like will be receiving the software. I also recommend picking a secondary option in case someone posts at the same time as you.

To reiterate: Please respond with two options: the first being which piece of software you would like, and the second being another piece of software you'd like in case someone comments at the same time as you do, or right before while you're making a comment.

Assume everything is for Windows; if you want to know if it's for OSX or Linux, let me know after you comment and I can find out.

RPG Maker XP----------------------------------------------------HUMBLE BUNDLE WEBSITE
RPG Maker XP is a 2D tile-based program to make RPGs and is the newest out of these three.
RPG Maker 2000-------------------------------------------------HUMBLE BUNDLE WEBSITE
RPG Maker 2000 is a 2D tile-based program to make RPGs and is the oldest out of these three.
RPG Maker 2003-------------------------------------------------HUMBLE BUNDLE WEBSITE
RPG Maker 2003 is a 2D tile-based program to make RPGs and is in the middle here.
Axis Game Factory: AGFPRO v3.0 + various DLC-----STEAM
A 3D game development software.
Game Guru + various DLC-----------------------------------STEAM
Another 3D game development software; the demos of games made with it seem to be FPS based, if that says anything.
App Game Kit 2-------------------------------------------------STEAM
Mobile game development kit.
Sprite Lamp------------------------------------------------------STEAM
"Dynamic lighting for 2D art."
Seems to be a membership to the website PlayCANVAS which helps with advertising as well as provides an open source engine. Also includes the game TANX for the website (which you seem to be able to play for free anyways...) EDIT: The PlayCANVAS membership will upgrade a free account to what I would assume to be PRO 5 for 3 months. Since I have no experience with PlayCANVAS, visit PlayCANVAS' website for more information ->
Stencyl: Indie Edition 1-Year License---------------------Website
Stencyl itself is free, however the license allows you to publish your games to the internet and desktop, according to the plan description on their website.
Also assume that if someone has commented, that piece of software is taken. When you've made your choice (assuming you're one of the first nine) I'll send you a private message within two days with either the Steam key, website links+keys, and whatever information you'll need to acquire the program/membership.
I don't know how quickly/slowly this kind of thing picks up, so I'll be here for an hour or so to give out the keys+info, and then after that I'll get back with you within the next two days. EDIT: Having never done this before, I didn't realize whether it would go slowly or quickly. That said, I'll get back to you within two days of your response.

EDIT#2: I'm not going to be around the 17th-20th, so I won't be able to PM anyone who wants the last two things there until afterwards.

I hope you all find a good use for these!


I'd like to have:

1.App Game Kit 2.

2.Sprite Lamp.

Thanks for giveaway


I wouldn't mind having "Axis Game Factory." Thanks!

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You either already know that and you are wise, or you don’t realize it for many years and you are an idiot. Either way, your learning code is objectively shit." - L. Spiro

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I'm quite interested in any of the RPG maker (preferably the latest).


Thank you for responding, guys! By this time you should have a message in your inbox with some links and instructions.


Very nice of you.

I would like Game Guru if possible.

Many thanks


Dear Smoogledeboo,

I am a bit interested in Sprite Lamp. TYbiggrin.png

Hi bro,

I'd like to have RPG maker 2003

I'd like to have RPG maker 2003

I have a spare Steam Key for RPG Maker Ace + Luna Engine if you'd prefer that.

More PMs have been sent! Items that remain:

RPG Maker 2000

PlayCANVAS membership + TANX

Stencyl: Indie Edition 1 Year License

I'd like to note two things, which will both be updated in the initial post:

The PlayCANVAS membership will upgrade a free account to what I would assume to be PRO 5 for 3 months. Since I have no experience with PlayCANVAS, for more information on the plan, visit PlayCANVAS' website ->

While Stencyl itself is free, the license allows you to publish your game on the web as well as for desktop use.

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