About 45 minutes remain and then it's pencils down people. Get your games submitted.... SHIP IT!
Week of Awesome III - The competition Thread
EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG
Request for extension!!! I WANT THE NON GLITCH VERSION!!
Sorry riu, everyone was on the same page for starting time this year, so i won't be adding any extra extension. you still have 30 minutes to hopefully get it done!
Here is our final journal entry:
And here you can download our game:
It was our first WoA, and we love it!
Week of Awesome III
MEh, no worries, I had to try! We are watching the rendering go on... 15/17 tasks..... 4 hours into it. *sighs*
And we are finished. Final version is attached, it has an installer and a standalone version if you have the required dependencies.
It was a grueling fight but we made it, I cannot wait to play everyone's games tomorrow and i plan to write a postmortem as well.
Bed Time!
**EDITTED** Added a stand alone version to the archive if you have the required frameworks (in the README.txt).
Just want to shout out to @MusicboxDancer for taking on electronic art for the first time and from my opinion blowing it out of the water - great job!
Remember to mark someones post as helpful if you found it so.
Day 7 - Final
Journal entry: http://gamedevis.cool/en/the-week-of-awesome-iii/the-week-of-awesome-iii-death-is-useful-day-7/
Full Journal: http://gamedevis.cool/en/the-week-of-awesome-iii
Final version: http://gamedevis.cool/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/gamedevis-Death-is-Useful.zip
Are we allowed to write more info in the journal or edit post to write more details after the deadline ?
Are we allowed to write more info in the journal or edit post to write more details after the deadline ?
It's perfectly fine to write after the fact, but what you've done during the week i've been already keeping a tally of, so for the most part each persons participation points has been set.
last 10 minutes folks!
Managed to whip up an extra level, so I've attached the latest and final build.
Unfortunately, audio didn't make it in. I wanted to add some sounds made with bfxr and some music from OpenGameArt, but I wanted to do a lot of things I didn't have time for, and the animated bat sprite that didn't make it into the game can attest to this.
Here is our final post. I know it is down to the wire but we wanted to add in our models and not use the stand in models.
Here is our final post:
Here is the direct download link: