
High School and Games

Started by August 08, 2015 01:35 PM
18 comments, last by MarioLuigiMan 9 years, 2 months ago

So I'm starting freshmen year or 10th year this Wednesday (yeah me). Also the gamedev game jam starts around Wednesday. So does anyone have any advice for high school and Programming in high school?

Don't neglect your schooling to program games.

Don't neglect your social life to program games.


And if your programming class is filled with mac classics, don't go in. In fact run away. Very fast.

They wont let me take programming class in 9th grade :(

If programming classes aren't available to you in school, perhaps either look for an extracurricular class or start learning in your free time.

But whichever way you go about it, I agree with Josh Petrie: don't let your school-studies suffer. (And in particular, if you enter the game-jam, don't neglect your schoolwork for it.)


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

The first week of high school they hopefully wont have homework. Also I am planning on taking robotics.


Make sure to take your laptop everywhere. During breaks, don't hang with other people; sit in a corner with your laptop and program. If someone comes up to you and asks what you're doing, tell them to leave because they are too stupid to be able to understand what you are doing. If someone comes up to you and makes fun of you, screech loudly, then close your laptop and run off to find a better corner to sit in.

Homework? Not important. Spend your time on your laptop programming. Do just enough for school so you barely pass.

Sleep? Pff. Every programmer will tell you they work better at night and sleep is overrated.

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

Programming in high school is a lot like sex. It's usually done by yourself at home behind closed doors maybe while watching porn, and only brag about it with close friends. You're not likely to get someone of the appropriate sex to come over and share the experience with you. Also, once you do the real thing, you'll find out it's not at all like what you throught it would be like so try not to be too disappointed.

Other than that, just get a computer and write programs. That's how it's done.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

TheComet I am going to assume that was sarcasm. As for Bregma. Of all my years coding (4.5) I have never been disappointed with code ever. There are just so many branches of computer science to explore. When its the "real thing" I am also going to have a side project as well to stop myself from tearing my brain out if Im ever stuck working corporate. As my school says on the pamphlet Academics come first.

I dropped out of high school in order to study programming more vigorously. It was the correct decision.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

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