
Windows 10 is hideously ugly, any tips on how to fix?

Started by July 29, 2015 10:59 PM
105 comments, last by jbadams 9 years, 2 months ago

very crazy! WTF do you mean luny?


Two pages ago already but:

Cortana and XBox integration are signatures features of Windows 10. It's not clear to me why on Earth they would make those uninstallable.

The people who want these off are mostly people who are upgrading from an older version. They want the ability to run newer software and keep security patches and such (which means they eventually have to update) but they don't really care about the new stuff usually (especially stuff that can be seen as getting in the way instead of just being there as an extra feature at the side).

Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.

but they don't really care about the new stuff usually (especially stuff that can be seen as getting in the way instead of just being there as an extra feature at the side)

What I don't understand, though, is why this attitude seems to be pretty much unique to Windows users?

I'm not sure I've ever heard a Mac user complain because Apple *added* a feature to their OS (though they complain pretty damn loudly when features are taken away). Occasionally iOS users bitch about icons they can't remove from their homescreen, but that's more a screen real estate issue than that they object to the feature being on their device.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I just installed it to a separate partition to see what my opinion was before I made a decision to upgrade my Windows 7. Going into it I was of the opinion that I was going to completely hate it much as I hated 8, but I was plesantly surprised to find it rather enjoyable. This morning I booted into Windows 10 without really thinking much about it, so that's a good sign I guess. I tried doing the exact same things using both a windows account and a regular desktop account without issues. There may be some with regards to the store but I haven't even looked at that yet.. and honestly probably won't.

There are a few things I don't like so far - particularly the fact I can't add a custom color to the themes as I could in my Windows 7. This isn't a game changer but just something small I wish was present. The colors I was interested in were slightly off of what I really wanted, so I'll just stuck with the default color for now. I also wish I had the ability to change the default system font (which was removed starting in Win 8 I read?). Again something small that doesn't matter much I suppose. As well there were a few games that I wasn't able to get working but this probably comes mostly from the fact I was running them off the other drive. I am sure if I reinstalled them or upgraded my Windows 7 this would be fixed.

With the title bar coloration posted earlier I do wish this could be changed. I think this mostly stems from the fact I am used to a discoloration =[ Maybe this will be fixed in the service update they said comes next month? I mean as time goes on it isn't quite as bad but I would just like it a tint darker.

As far as configuring settings like Cortana and what not that was basically straight forward. I disabled her as I don't really care about that feature or a voice search in general on any device. I am glad that you can optionally disable it if you'd like as opposed to something which was always on. I just know I won't use it but I am not upset it was added in. We all have differing opinions about a feature and that's perfectly fine. I also disabled the internet search feature in the bottom left as it made it rather laggy when I was searching for a specific program I wanted. The configuration process could be.. er.. streamlined by placing all the settings in the same location. It was rather annoying having to travel all over the place just to adjust something.

Just out of curiosity does anyone know what happens if your Windows account credentials are stolen? I was just thinking about this this morning and it makes me feel like on the off chance that did occur you would be completely locked out of your computer.

but they don't really care about the new stuff usually (especially stuff that can be seen as getting in the way instead of just being there as an extra feature at the side)

What I don't understand, though, is why this attitude seems to be pretty much unique to Windows users?

I'm not sure I've ever heard a Mac user complain because Apple *added* a feature to their OS (though they complain pretty damn loudly when features are taken away). Occasionally iOS users bitch about icons they can't remove from their homescreen, but that's more a screen real estate issue than that they object to the feature being on their device.

More importantly, nobody is complaining about new features. People are complaining about forced participation.

I really like the "modernization" rhetorical device though. Let me see if I have the functionality correct here:

  1. Force people to make some annoying, high-handed change based on ridiculous bullshit that someone somewhere is getting paid a lot of money for.
  2. Said people get pissed.
  3. "This is what the modern world looks like. You're not allowed to be mad about modernization! There's science!"
  4. Somehow, inexplicably, they're even more pissed.
  5. Clearly the problem is that everyone is unreasonable. It's certainly not that some authoritarian jackass is trying to rationalize forcing their agenda onto others.
  6. Annex the Sudetenland.
void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

but they don't really care about the new stuff usually (especially stuff that can be seen as getting in the way instead of just being there as an extra feature at the side)

What I don't understand, though, is why this attitude seems to be pretty much unique to Windows users?

I'm not sure I've ever heard a Mac user complain because Apple *added* a feature to their OS (though they complain pretty damn loudly when features are taken away). Occasionally iOS users bitch about icons they can't remove from their homescreen, but that's more a screen real estate issue than that they object to the feature being on their device.

What are you talking about? I don't think anyone claims Windows shouldn't contain new features. People just want to have the option to uninstall these extra features, just like you appreciate the ability to uninstall the preinstalled McAffee. You know.. "Not all features add value (or perhaps more politically correct: they don't add value for everyone)".


But yeah I know, it's completely different when you happen to like the feature and other people don't.


People just want to have the option to uninstall these extra features

I can't install Siri or AirPlay from my Mac either. And I never use either of those features.

But somehow, the lack of an ability to uninstall this is not making me take up arms against Apple.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Annex the Sudetenland.

Well, it was a good run for this thread...

Eric Richards

SlimDX tutorials -

Twitter - @EricRichards22

I can't install Siri or AirPlay from my Mac either. And I never use either of those features.

But somehow, the lack of an ability to uninstall this is not making me take up arms against Apple.

I've used a Mac regularly since 2012 and updated reasonably often.. never seen anything like that auto-start, except for iTunes when connecting an iPhone. I don't even get update notifications unless I open the App Store app. Not sure if I disabled something back when I got it...

The real problem with Microsoft is that they seem to be trying to leverage all their users that came on board for something completely different and route us into something we never signed up for. It's like they see Apple and Google making money from something new and just want to move all their old supporters into their new brands, that are completely unrelated to what a desktop OS was ever for.

Regular Windows is not even the worst of it... in Microsoft's standard installed Skype I get ads like "I made $4971 in one week ONLINE!" ... and their app store is ridiculously riddled with scams. I can get pretty seriously ad-ware infested on Win7 and see less crap than on the Windows Store.

It's sad really, considering they were in the perfect situation to actually build something good by looking at Apple and Google and avoiding the mistakes, but instead they created something completely amateurish and rushed. I've always liked Microsoft and I even got a Windows Phone a few years ago, and a Surface too, but I certainly won't be getting another one.

For Mac stuff: I more than a little annoyed after finally getting around to upgrading to OS X 10.10, and finding that the "Photos" application auto launches on cameras and memory cards. And there is no blanket "Stop doing that" button. Each and every card and camera I own and connect to this laptop will make this utterly useless application pop up, and make me to click on the disable button for that given card. And that application is is 50MB or something on a solid state drive that is going to fill up fast each and every time I head out to photograph a weekend sports event. Ideally I could walk through things and prune my install down more than it naturally allows me to.

But the space isn't the thing that bugs me the most, it is the "OMG! A new card or camera! Clearly THIS TIME you're going to want to use this software we're going to flash in your face... Right? Right? No? Not this time? Okay, maybe on the next card..." bit that absolutely pisses me off. Also, it is so much fun trying to search for relevant info on the subject too!

Old Username: Talroth
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