
Is formal education in Programing/Arts obligatory for game designers?

Started by July 20, 2015 03:04 PM
4 comments, last by dreamer1986 9 years, 7 months ago

After looking at various Programing job offers, I saw that the requirements for a Junior Position require at least a Bachelor in Informatics, Mathematics, and the like. I personally have diplomas in Psychology, International Relations, Science of Education, and I just started learning programing, 3d graphics and animation for game design once I finished these studies, mostly because I feel drawn to this field.

Am I doomed to never find a job in game design companies?

Am I doomed to never find a job in game design companies?

Game design is generally considered a different area of the field from game programming; which is it you're interesting in?

Finding a job as a programmer without a degree in a field generally considered directly related might be slightly harder, primarily because you're likely to be relatively less-familiar with programming if you've only started studying it post-degree than somebody who was using it during their degree, and due to a slightly increased chance of failing a resume filter for not having the "right" degree.

You can overcome these downsides with a strong portfolio that demonstrates you do have programming ability, at which point your non-traditional degree may become an asset (suggesting a more well-rounded potential employee).

So no, it's not impossible at all.


You can overcome these downsides with a strong portfolio that demonstrates you do have programming ability, at which point your non-traditional degree may become an asset (suggesting a more well-rounded potential employee).

So no, it's not impossible at all.

So you say that my non traditional education could be an advantage eventually? That gives me hope, thank you :)

Moving to the job section. Your question is answered in depth in that section's FAQ links. Read 'em all.

1. Is formal education in Programing/Arts obligatory for game designers?
2. After looking at various Programing job offers, I saw that the requirements for a Junior Position require at least a Bachelor in Informatics, Mathematics, and the like.
3. I personally have diplomas in Psychology, International Relations, Science of Education, and I just started learning programing, 3d graphics and animation for game design once I finished these studies, mostly because I feel drawn to this field.
Am I doomed to never find a job in game design companies?

1. Game designers should take classes in programming and art. They do not have to have degrees in any particular area. Read FAQ 3:

2. But now you're talking about programming jobs! Make up your mind.

3. You aren't "doomed." Stop horriblizing. Read FAQ 71.

And what the heck is a "game design company"?

-- Tom Sloper --

Thank you, Tom Sloper, I will stop horriblizing in this case :)

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