
What to do when your idea was already taken

Started by June 26, 2015 11:04 AM
20 comments, last by RivieraKid 9 years, 3 months ago

Backing up a bit

Let's say you wanted to make a game adaptaion of the movie "REC"

Then you would contact the company who owns the rights to the movie. And you would negotiate a deal with them. And they would license you the game rights to their IP.

If another company has already acquired those rights, you would still get in touch with whoever has the rights and negotiate a deal, typically offering money or services or brand recognition, assuming you've got some of those.

Usually these are deals measured in millions of dollars. Subcontracting deals, where you subcontract with whoever already acquired the game rights, are often measured in hundreds of thousands.

Aww, Ninja'd by Graelig

Backing up a bit

Let's say you wanted to make a game adaptaion of the movie "REC"

Then you would contact the company who owns the rights to the movie. And you would negotiate a deal with them. And they would license you the game rights to their IP.

If another company has already acquired those rights, you would still get in touch with whoever has the rights and negotiate a deal, typically offering money or services or brand recognition, assuming you've got some of those.

Usually these are deals measured in millions of dollars. Subcontracting deals, where you subcontract with whoever already acquired the game rights, are often measured in hundreds of thousands.

Aww, Ninja'd by Graelig
Well yea if he wanted to call it "Rec: The Game" this would be true, if he wwnted to use copyrightable elements from the movie, this would be true. But it sounds more like hes inspired to make a game around the idea of the film, not make an actually game version of the movie. Or maybe im wrong and that was his goal, but i personally didnt take it that way.

As for the original question, dont be afraid to also look at what people say about those games, try playing them yourself. Find out what they might have done wrong, or could do better, and you hopefully can use this knowledge to make your game overall better. But dont be discouraged just because the base idea already exists, there are still plenty of flavors left to try.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

What to do when your idea is already taken?


Implementations of an idea are unique. Two people can have the same idea, but one implementation can be better than another. The execution of the idea matters more than the idea itself. What makes Facebook better than MySpace? You can analyze it all you want, but it really is just two different executions.

If your idea is taken, who cares, keep building it anyway!

In cases like this,should you still continue and start working on it or do a completely different project?

The correct answer is: Do what you want to do (barring any legal limitations).

If your motivation came from you believing your idea was unique then you probably don’t have that motivation anymore and there is no reason to continue.
If your motivation is based off just wanting to make this particular game, screw the rest and make it.

There is literally nothing else to it.
Do you still want to make the game?
Answer this by taking in all the factors that could influence your desire/motivation (including potential for market success if that was ever a factor for you) and act accordingly.

Tom Sloper calls this a decision grid. Make one.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Who cares? Just make it anyways, unless there's some legal restriction or you don't want to make it. Some of the most successful companies didn't have novel ideas but were successful cause they made their version better (e.g. Apple)

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Every good idea is just a tweak on an existing idea. If someone used your idea before you did, just add a variation on top of that idea. Nothing is truly new, it's just tweaks to the formula of something that already exists. Often the fact that someone stole your idea is a good thing - they did all the hard work of making the first version! Now you already know if the idea works or not, and if it does add your own twist to it.

In the latest Zachtronics podcast they talk about this - there's nothing wrong with just taking an idea that is already proven to work and then just adding your own variation on top. So treat your idea already existing as a good thing, it's like a free beta test of your game.


I'm just going to re-post my reply to a similar thread, which you might want to look at too.


The question is: how similar?
For example, I had an idea about an RTS with "time travel" based mechanics. Sometime later, without implementing anything, my attention was drawn to Achron.
My first thoughts were: they totally made "my" game. However, on careful reading about the game and watching some of the videos, I saw they approached it from a totally different angle than I had planned. They actually appear to have implemented the ability to replay past events, whereas my idea was to have a system where you could essentially borrow resources now from your future self, but if you couldn't repay that debt within the allotted timespan, any units you built using these resources, and any damage said units did, would be undone.
Of course, being but an early, untested idea, it is quite possible that my version wouldn't be fun. That said, their version sounds quite complex, perhaps mine could be easier to get into and reason about strategically. I reckon the two games would feel totally different, even though they have a similar core idea.
For reference: since I've learned of their game I put no further thought into developing "my" version and put that energy into other ideas instead.
There is a famous company that is known for taking the best parts of existing game genres and making them even better. That company is Blizzard (:

I definitely have to agree. If you have an idea then find it's been done I think you got one of two choices

1. Think you can't do it better or add to it, don't do it...or do (doesn't matter which really)

2. Take your original idea, see what the game is doing good and bad, and then do it better.


"I got a Masters in Life Fuckin' "


The problem is that everyone's already thought of everything already tongue.png

I agree with everyone that you've basically got 2 choices, but I would also say keep developing. Sometimes during the development process you decide to make a few changes here and there that don't look like much, but they affect the overall product. Also, it's better to have something you can change or reuse if you have a sweet idea for a new feature later on.

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