Hey Gamedev
For about half a year I have been working on a PC game. We are looking to get some funding this summer not a lot, but hopefully a decent amount.
I have been writing on a contract to try and insure everybody's interests have been covered. I am trying to avoid theft of assets, etc. meanwhile ensuring the people who work on the team won't feel like their work has been useless up till the point we get funding. (Working for free essentially - which I have been doing full-time)
As I have no money left in the production right now, but I would like to create a bullet proof contract, how would I go about doing so? I've looked into having lawyers looking at documents, but the cost is absolutely insane and would essentially cut our entire budget used for software.
Are there any template contracts for indie devs out there, which can be modified to fit your project and your team?
Does anyone have experiences writing, making or working underneath contracts and how was it like?
Any value advise would be highly appreciated!
I have my fingers crossed for a contract which doesn't screw anybody over, including myself, and one that allows the game to be secure.