
Newbie in C

Started by January 18, 2000 11:39 AM
9 comments, last by Hjalmarsson 25 years, 1 month ago
I am a newbie of programming in C, so I wonder if anyone knows a good site or wants to help me getting started? Thanks! Martin Hjalmarsson ICQ# 22869599
Martin Hjalmarssonprogramming@swipnet.seICQ# 22869599
Hey there !
I''m kind of an intermediate C and C++ programmer and I work in a team of game designers. We are setting up a game design company (LynxEye Studios) and we''re all in the process of learning stuff at the moment. I turned out to be in charge of the web page as well as programming and I''m currently working on the webpage. I hope to have it up and running in about a week. It will be focused on 2D and 3D Design, C, C++, Win32 API, DirectX, OpenGL etc. Before we start making our first game I will dedicate the site to helping out people like you. I have a huge collection of online books in printable format, tutorials and, of course the knowledge that I have in C and C++ programming. I''ve looked at many sites, many books and many tutorials during my learning process and I have downloaded the best tutorials and other recources that I could find. Soon it will all be on the site and hopefully it will be the best site for newbies in programming and design on the internet. Right now there''s nothing to do on the site because there''s just a stupid animation of a photograph of a lynx which I put up to see if the server had good support for Flash and Shockwave movies, so there''s nothing to look at right now, but once it will be ready to be exposed to the public I''ll post a link to it on

If there''s anything you''d like to ask just post another message and I''ll answer it.


I hope it goes very well, and I am looking forward to see the homepage finished!

Do you need another programmer? : )

Martin Hjalmarsson
ICQ# 22869599
Martin Hjalmarssonprogramming@swipnet.seICQ# 22869599
Well, in fact...we DEFINITELY need another programmer because if we''re going to make a game like quake 3 (which we''re...aiming at) we will need more team members or it will take us ages.
You are making your first game and aiming on a Q3 clone. That should be interesting!

Good luck
Actually, I didn''t mean a Q3 clone, I just meant a game as good as quake 3 is in graphics, sound etc... I think our first game will either be a real-time strategy or a first-person shooter.
Ion_Spider, you should set your sights on something a little more realistic. What you''re saying is that you think you''d win the 100m in the Olympics after 3 days of practice.
You should start out trying to make the game tic-tac-toe as a team before you try anything else. Since you are all beginers I doubt that you would ever finish anything more advanced. Not to put you down or anything, but that''s life. Most games never get finished.
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

No no no !!! Of course we''re not planning to make Quake 3 as our first game. We will start with a simple 2D side-scroller and then make one in 3D, then we will go onto something more complicated.

My earlier post wasn''t badly meant. Sorry

Good luck

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