I am looking for help on what seems to be a simple issue, but after comparing how the shaders and vertex buffers are identifical, I am baffled as to the problem. I have been trying to get the BMFont format to render with DirectX11 and while it is just about working, there is one minor yet major issue left. In the example below, the "e" and the "a" are offset by one pixel to the left, and one pixel up on the y. The s, t and n are all fine though. I compared the two vertex buffers and they are identical for the values in the x,y,z,u,v, channel in both running applications. I am hoping that this issue will seem familiar with the issue.
Enlarged image
Original image
They are also using the same .fnt and texture file. I seem to have the same issue even if the text was "estna", without the first t.