
Where to find classic top-quality RPG artist?

Started by May 22, 2015 09:25 PM
6 comments, last by thomascalc 9 years, 4 months ago


This sounds like recruiting but it's not, rather a meta-recruitment question. My former classmate decided to invest some money into my game project.

I need game art (not UI but the maps, areas etc.) with the same quality and style as these games:

Pillars of Eternity

Baldur's Gate

Icewind Dale

I just can't find any place where to find artists that draw such graphics. Money is no problem. I checked elance, deviantart, but noone...

Any ideas?

You should post in the classified section! And this is about as passive agressive of an advert as you can get. I will let this one slide for now.


I checked elance, deviantart, but noone...

That's just two websites... and neither are dedicated to pixel art. Try one of the pixel-art focused forums - I forget their names, but there are several.

Servant of the Lord: Thank you.

You should post in the classified section! And this is about as passive agressive of an advert as you can get. I will let this one slide for now.

What does "classified section" mean?

The classified section is an area on this website where developers pay a small fee to put contracter offers and contracting projects.

It's free for hobbyists, but costs a small amount for commercial usage and indies.

It's the "Classifieds" button on the menubar of this site. You might be able to find an artist listing himself for hire.

Is it checked by very good artists as well?

EDIT: I hope so.

It'll be less work on your part to make a job offer and let the artists come to you, instead of you hunting for the artists.
But you'll still need to go to where the talent is.


Thank you!

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