
Visual Studio Multiple Builds

Started by May 11, 2015 05:21 PM
1 comment, last by Azzazelus 9 years, 7 months ago


I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and C++. I have a Solution with 3 Projects. One project is the main game exe and the other two are libraries that I load when the game starts (.dll) The problem is that when I rebuild a library I must test it and I have to rebuild all the projects and launch the game (that use one library and that library use the other library). I want to automate the system and make a macro or a script or something so when I press a button or a key the projects will build automatically from the desired library (where I made the changes) to the game project and run the game.

I tried to record a macro but when I rebuild a Project named "library1" the macro recorder doesn't detect the Project name and saves "Project" in the script to the recorder macro for all projects I rebuild. It is possible to run macros with different project names?

Any other idea ?


I think you could achieve this with build dependencies.... right click in the solution explorer for the project you want to select dependencies on -> "Build Dependencies" and set the dependencies as you need.


It works. Thank you.

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