So for all my life, I've loved games, and like many want to make my own. However, by looking into what that means, I get scared. Learning to create a game is just so... complicated(or at least that's the vibe I get from reading other posts) and I don't know where to begin, which makes my situation quite intimidating. Anyhow, me, big brother, and some friends debate about what would and wouldn't work for a game with given restriction and have fun sharing ideas, it's something we've done for many. many years.
I'm a 16 year old High school graduate. I have no exp. actually making games. Virtual games that is. I have made board and card games prior. Currently, I'm not attending any form of school.
To share my Problem, I'll start with my idea.
In a world that's growing ever more competitive, and ever more "social," I began to realize that video games are actually being reconized as a competitive sport, and I wondered: "How come nobody's capitalized on this yet?" And then I realized, we can't. to do that, more people need to reconize gaming as an actual career. I'm not saying it's not. It just isn't as accepted as it could be.
Setting that aside, I started the idea of a game that would capitalize on it anyway. My idea was as follows; To have a skill based game that allows players to exchange in game currency for IRL cash.(not a $1:$1 ratio of course, that would cause major inflation, but I'll get to that) The game capitalizes on 3 major things.
1) Social
Today, there are more and more people that would rather use an online, self created identity, than there own. The game intends to put players in situations will socialness is almost a must. With perma-death. Of coarse, there's safe zones, like towns and whatnot, and even quest held within safe zones for casual, non competitive gamers. Letting both casual and hardcore gamers enjoy the game. Anyway, by putting players in a situations where they need to be sociable, they wil, like many online gamers gain an identity, and place where they feel they belong, bringing players back.
2) Character creation
Again with the identity thing, but to further the idea i'll jot down some specifics. Upon creating a character, you are forced to play a human, but can change later. Instead of having players pick a class, or a set of skills to excel at, They are given Race Perk points. All players get a set number. Things to do with them would be like, what makes your character apart from the rest. For example, you could use a point to have an inherent speed boost for all actions, and even stack them to capitalize on speed. Or for more useful abilitys, One could use a couple points,(let's say... 3/5 points, just as a number) for something more useful, like paradigm shifts. Later on, by venturing to the edges of the world, players can find "Race stones" to modify their characters. This may mean giving up some of those prior perks, but be given more Race perks specific to their new race.
Also, letting players to configure their buttons however they please. Like letting them fill they're entire keyboard/controller with skill slots, or having buttons to modify stuff, like passive/aggressive modes to let them focus on specific things at a time.
3)Competition stuff
This was a given. In game tournaments where players may or may not need to be in a team. mostly tournaments that are Last man standing in large... VERY large, multi terrain battlefields. Kinda like surviving in the wild, but with players and people to be concerned about rather than animals. Also pubs, where any non particapent can view in on the action both in game an IRL. Lastly the skill sets are meant to massive and weapon specific, to keep pvp fresh at all times.
Well that's the Idea and my dream, and I would like feedback on it. On the matter of inflation, to start the economy, there can simply be a kickstarter to raise seperate funds from the games dev. Then controlling the inflation with in game events.
As for the Problem. I'm just a teenager. I don't know even where to begin. Of coarse I'll need a job and a team to get it done. But I have no exp. and don't know how to get it. I don't have the money to take classes to learn, and just jumping in by myself is both confusing and scary. Perhaps an internship would be nice for learning what I need to, but then again, there are no companies that can teach me the skills needed, in my state.(NH) So I'd like to ask for advice on what to do now that I've collaberated on this Idea.
This has been long, so thanks for taking the time to read it, and plz excuse my spelling mistakes.