Little list of things I have to point about:
Worst things: the network management is a complete disaster:
- cannot switch from a private to a public network (the opposite is in the useless homegrup window).
- cannot see the security level of a network before connect to it.
- all the rest of the network management is scattered around without logic
- cannot easily have multiple homegroups in a network
- still no netwroks map
The GUI is more inconsistent then ever:
- cannot choose which updates to install
- cannot completely disable Defender
- the old control panel is still present and with two representation modes.
- however the old control panel lost some elements (like windows update)
- some elements are still from the NT5.x-era
- the internet options is still a complete crap.
- WinSat is still used to calibrate the OS, however the average Bob cannot call it via GUI
- White, white everywhere! My poor eyes are bleeding! And no, high contrast theme are not an alternative!
- PowerShell is still not the default terminal!
- .Net 3.5 is still not pre-installed with the OS, as VC runtimes and DX legacy runtimes!
- Still tons of duplicate applications (Win32 vs Store)
Start menu:
- I don't care about Bing result, and I cannot disable them!
- The search GUI is slow and inconsistent with the start menu
- If you remove all the tiles from the start menu, a lot of space is wasted
- "all apps" sub-menus is a mess, sub-folder elements are inconsistents
Store applications:
- There is no consistence between theme of the default Microsoft applications
- Microsoft default applications, which are part of the OS, have ADS (which I block via hosts with the help of inspect.exe)
- Cannot have multiple instance of store applications! Calculator, Project Spartan, Reader and Office applications are completely useless without instancing!
- Camera still do not show webcam options
- Skype is still a pain in the ass compared to the win32 version.
- Project Spartant still sucks on W3C
OS installation:
- Local account option is still hidden!
- Recovery partition is unnamed!
- Still unable to choose what component to install!
Personal opinions:
- Circle avatar are ugly.
- Italian voice of Cortona is a joke.
Anyway, if they will fix at least the network management it will be still better then Windows 8.x