
my new game, Zombie Survivor

Started by April 23, 2015 12:59 PM
3 comments, last by Thaumaturge 9 years, 10 months ago


So I've been working on this game for the past few months and I am looking for as much feedback as possible. There are many features I would like to implement and will be including in the next version.

Before I do that I am looking to find out if there are any big features that should be changed/implemented immediately that I may have skipped over

You can download it for free on Android here

Thanks guys!


First, a word of advice. When posting in the Game Design sub-forum, you should theoretically raise a game design concern. Otherwise, it would probably belong in announcements, or else.

Choosing to front a game design question is also a more appealing means to get people interested (and to choose to download the app or click a link).

That being said, I did click the link, but have no Android device currently.

I found the visual style to be lacking, particularly from a UI standpoint (based off store screenshots) which, as a player, would've turned me away from downloading this app.

As a result, I really can't comment much on the game design aspect, but if you feel like raising more specific concerns or thoughts about how the game currently works and how you feel about it, I would be inclined to engage in conversation to help you figure things out if possible.

Best of luck.


Honestly, the first thing that comes to mind is that I'm sick of zombie games.

I agree with Orymus on the visual style.

However, I did give your game a try. Before I start, it might be worth mentioning that this isn't really one of my preferred genres, and thus my responses should perhaps be weighed with that in mind. That said, here are my thoughts on the gameplay:

The combat doesn't feel very interesting to me: I just move left or right and mash the "hit" button; zombies die in a single hit, and there's nothing else to do.

I did encounter one zombie that took more than one hit to kill, I believe--in which case I found that combat became a little awkward, as there's no apparent means of back-pedalling while attacking.

There's little feeling of impact to blows: when hit, zombies just fall over, and the player flashes slightly with an easily-missed animation. This might perhaps be addressed at least in part by changes to the animations, and by including impact-flashes or a bit of blood-spray for the player.

Level-completion isn't terribly well sign-posted, and ads sometimes appear at jarring moments: I had one instance in which it seemed that an advert had popped up in the middle of gameplay; it was only after dismissing the ad that I discovered that I had (presumably) completed the level, as I was presented with an end-of-level screen.

Regarding player-death, I think that I'd prefer to restart at will (or return to the menu, if desired) than to wait for a countdown to complete, as is currently the case: let the player control when and whether they return to play.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Thanks for the feedback.

Honestly, this is my first attempt at game development and I appreciate ye guys taking the time to give me this feedback. Zombie's wouldnt be my first choice either but I find its as easy first start idea.

I'm glad thaumaturge brought up the combat as this is where I find I'm really struggling to make it fun. Any ideas on how to improve this?More animation? More hits to kill?

I want the level completion to be better as well like a pause and pop out window with the stats, would this be better?

As towards the screenshots, I find myself lacking when it comes to art and design so any pointers would be great.

I'm glad thaumaturge brought up the combat as this is where I find I'm really struggling to make it fun. Any ideas on how to improve this?More animation? More hits to kill?

Honestly, I don't think that I'm sufficiently familiar with the genre to be likely to offer much direct help on this point. What I will suggest, however, is researching other such games; look for reviews, post-mortems or Let's Plays, in particular. Try to identify things that worked for them, and things that didn't--the former might provide potential elements for your game, while the latter might warn you against making the same mistakes; either might provide inspiration for new mechanics.

I want the level completion to be better as well like a pause and pop out window with the stats, would this be better?

Hmm... Perhaps give the player a moment to notice that the game has ended, whether by walking the character off the screen (a-la Super Mario Bros. 3), or having the character do some sort of (short) victory animation.

One thing that might help a lot, if feasible, is changing when the ads appear: right now they seem to appear before any post-level screen (whether a death screen or a victory screen); it might be rather less jarring to have them appear afterwards. As it is, I find that it can feel as though the ad is interrupting play, since the player may not yet be aware that play has actually ended.

As towards the screenshots, I find myself lacking when it comes to art and design so any pointers would be great.

Well, do you want advice on the art itself, or advice on how to get art for your game?

If the former, you might want to post your question in the "Visual Arts" sub-forum; you might get more detailed critique there.

If the latter, two suggestions come to mind:

  • First, this site has a "classifieds" section, I believe (which should be available from the menu at the top of the page)--you may find someone willing to work for you.
  • Second, you could look for pre-made art, whether paid or freeware.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

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