Hi guys,
I working on my first to game 2D i'm complete new on this kind of projects, i first try to animate my enemies on game scene, right now i setup a basic example to animate my enemies i've one array with objects that represent my enemies characters and with two timers encapsulated only have a random number that define if enemy will impulsed up and if enemy will impulsed left or right.
My game is a 2D game with a scenario that have various platforms where user and enemies can collide, all characters are following gravity rules and for enemy or user getting up it need to get an impulse for going up or left or right.
My goal is progressively put enemies more clever each level, start in 1º level only flying for the scenario without any goa and l finish with enemies try to avoid the user when use are in advantageous position or try to attack when user are disadvantage position.
I asking this because i'm not have experience with A.I, i think i can do this with a lot of for's and if's lets say hard coding, however i would like to know more about some A.I algorithms or some techincs to do things like what i what to do.
Can you guide me on my initiation on this, link for the right articles explain to me some technics for doing this things