Hi guys,
I'm a guy that some experience in programming i'm, working for last 2 years with nodejs javascript but i've previous worker with many others, however i'm new in gamming development only test a bit of unity3d (lets say 3 hours maximum) and corona SDK, to be honest i'ad like more of corona SDK first because is more my styling using more coding style (unity have many hiding options at least is my first impression) other thing that i like on corona is the way of they have all documentations docs and blog, i'm able to finish my first draft of my game in only 3/4 days (with no experience on gaming) thanks to great documentations and support. Now i'll need to finish all the designer and all the integration with external services with google game and apple game center.
so i ask its corona SDK a reliable options? or its better start to use unity from the begin? How is the performance on corona?
I forget to say my idea is a simple 2D game, with a player and some enemies jumping from platform to another.
thanks for reply