- Path centered instead of 'project-file' centered (no files get in the way, configurations live in AppData)
- Class/enum browser
- Autocompletion (deep dot paths, []'s, scoping, immediate access of function return values, etc), member/function lists
- Function overloads helper/list
- Documentation on hover (assuming you wrote any)
- Multiple code-block snippets with "options" and "inputs"
- Events/Attributes lists with clipboard commands (copy subscriber, copy param getter, copy attribute getter/setter, etc)
- Find-in-files
- Verbatim console log of compiler output
- Error list (parsed from console output) with jump to file/line
- asPEEK debugging client, with watches/toggle-able-breakpoints/stack-traces/locals/this/etc (everything the web-client has)
- Implement a ScriptCompiler tool similar to Urho3D that can compile or dump C++ style headers
- Rip out the Events/Attributes/Script API tabs in the IDEView.xaml + all the latex parsing evil
- Assumes a single master file for compilation
The ScriptCompiler is not an option. The intellisense/autocomplete works by parsing C++ style header dumps from that are used to generate type information. That provides the class browser and is used for resolving auto-completion, there's some local file scanning used, but that's largely for finding the type something was declared as and for variable names.
Dependencies: ModernUI, AvalonEdit, Json.NET, WIXTools, Websocket4Net