The following referes to SOLO game play designs
I hope I have this in the correct thread, could be any I guess.
I was working on a board/digital game, and hammering out the details, and came across a stumper. The more I thought about it, the more of an enigma it became with ALL game (fantasy )
Magic Vs Melee
If I create a caster that base spell is a fireball and it does say 20pts of damage
and a warrior that with basic weapon that does 20pts of damage, what is the point of the 2 classes (this applies to all other classes as well that do damage - rogue back stab 20pts of damage etc..)?
Then I thought, OK, balance it out - maybe some mobs are not as suseptable to magic (or melee). But then that makes the game unbalanced.
One solution is to make a hybrid class that can do both. but the answer still remains about each class
So question remains,
Why would a player make a caster vs melee, if they are both doing the same damage?
thanks for any feedback