What if you couuld have the most realistic physics and graphics in your video game? Why would we create virtual environments? They are already there, outside the building! For the first time, me and my team are going to use what nature's created to create a tank/aviation video game! Meet the SharpFury Battle Hungered.
Here's a little description of what we're gonna do:
Imagine you had a model/rc aircraft. If you wanted to fly it, you'd most probably experience some common problems including very limited control range, unrealistic controls, limited functionality and fixed first-person-view (if any). And, after all, how long could you just fly around doing circles around where you're standing?
We are going to change all that! Meet our upcoming Battle Hungered drones line featuring control over the Internet (yes, it's proven to be working), connection to your phone, computer, TV or anything else (the magic of Unity 3D ), user interface like in some famous video games e.g. War Thunder or World of Warplanes and immersive flying experience using Oculus Rift virtual reality googles! Be like a real pilot, with real controls and real sensors including GPS, airspeed and altitude all packed into a nice carbon fiber airframe. Don't worry if you're just a beginner, our virtual flight instructor will surely help you and prevent the plane from crashing.
But the best comes next: what if you could stick an ASG (Air Soft Gun) rifle to your plane? And what if you had a super-advanced sensor surface covering your plane and the software was smart enough to detect hits on your plane's different modules and simulate damage? What if you could battle with your friends even over thousands of kilometers in reality? That is the heart of Sharp Fury Battle Hungered. Take a Google Map of your surroundings and turn it into a virtual battlefield! Use special editor to create spawn points, bombing targets, drop zones, cap zones and more! Then invite your friends and let the battle begin!
So, you guys - gamedevs, are the first group of people I'd like to ask for some feedback as you probably understand me best. Write your comments and PLEASE take a very short survey here (very important to me, will take you like 30 seconds, I know, it's not suited for gamedevs): https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WCKS99Y
Looking forward to hearing your feedback. Thanks guys!