I'm sure everybody has heard of vulkan already, and I'm kind of scared about this. I'm a begginer with opengl and was just starting to understand the basics of modern opengl when I heard about vulkan.
It's supposed to be lower level , "more explicit" and faster than opengl, but at the same time a lot of games use opengl and a lot of frameworks and middleware use opengl. Opengl can't just dissapear, even if vulkan is better, old pc's and phones will not be compatible with vulkan(only opengl 3.1+ hardware will be compatible with vulkan). With this in mind, I'm unsure about switching to vulkan. I don't know, however, if opengl is goig to be updated after vulkan? Also, do you think it'll be convenient to use opengl after vulkan or just make the switch?(you know, keeping in mind all the performance stuff)
Would love to hear your opinions, Thnaks!