
Scoreboard system for retention

Started by March 30, 2015 12:18 PM
-1 comments, last by Blixt Gordon 9 years, 11 months ago

I'm designing a two person turn based game. The player can play against an AI, but the game is also connected to Apple Game Center and to a scoreboard server that is under my control.

I've got the following online functionality in place:

  • a scoreboard server that gets match results, and then increases the score for the winner and decreases the score for the loser.
  • said scoreboard server that can report score, rank, the total number of players & what skill level the player belongs to. The skill level is used in the match making process. Players with equal skill is matched against each other.
  • in game user information something like "You have Score: 2000, Rank 2456 of a total of 20045 players in the world, Level: 3"
  • a sorted scoreboard list inside the game where the score of the players friends can be seen.

At the moment I don't plan to implement different graphics etc for different levels. In that sense it will be like chess, e.g. the gameplay does not change with increased skill. But my game is not a board game, it is some kind of sports game —a sport invented by me.


  • How shall I present the game center scores to create a will for the players to climb the match ladder?
  • Any good examples of games with good such score reports.
  • Shall I add some "must have" functionality?

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