
wanting feedback on two design ideas

Started by March 29, 2015 08:33 AM
12 comments, last by Norman Barrows 9 years, 10 months ago

I've finally settled on a programming language, python. Reading 10 pages each day, 70 pages and 7 days into it.

I have sketched a couple of pages for two game design ideas, and am interested in getting some feedback from experienced designers/writers.

It's not much documentation at this stage but that's why I'm looking for feedback, hoping to get some hints about where I can elaborate/what might need polishing. I'm about five books away from a proficiency in python but I do hope to be able to build at least a prototype of each idea in about 18 months.

I can email a pdf, so send me your email if you're keen to give me a critique.

I've finally settled on a programming language, python. Reading 10 pages each day, 70 pages and 7 days into it.


How much code have you written yourself ? The only way to actually learn is by writing code.

If you need a great study guide, with 'home work', click HERE

If you want something more game related, click HERE

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


I can email a pdf, so send me your email if you're keen to give me a critique.

People might be a bit reluctant to give their email address to a random stranger. Why not just post the ideas here?

Put the files on Google Drive or DropBox.

Too many projects; too much time

I'm about five books away from a proficiency in python

Where do you get this idea from. You don't become proficient in programming by reading books.

"The code you write when you learn a new language is shit.
You either already know that and you are wise, or you don’t realize it for many years and you are an idiot. Either way, your learning code is objectively shit." - L. Spiro

"This is called programming. The art of typing shit into an editor/IDE is not programming, it's basically data entry. The part that makes a programmer a programmer is their problem solving skills." - Serapth

"The 'friend' relationship in c++ is the tightest coupling you can give two objects. Friends can reach out and touch your privates." - frob

I have sketched a couple of pages for two game design ideas, and am interested in getting some feedback from experienced designers/writers.

If you want feedback on game ideas, post them in Game Design. If you want feedback on game stories, post them in Writing. This topic doesn't belong in For Beginners (a technical/programming forum).

-- Tom Sloper --


I've finally settled on a programming language, python. Reading 10 pages each day, 70 pages and 7 days into it.

I have sketched a couple of pages for two game design ideas, and am interested in getting some feedback from experienced designers/writers.

It's not much documentation at this stage but that's why I'm looking for feedback, hoping to get some hints about where I can elaborate/what might need polishing. I'm about five books away + practice from being good enough in python to start on my games but I do hope to be able to build at least a prototype of each idea in about 18 months.

I have attached the rough drafts of each premise.

I have studied 23hours in C#, several weeks in javascript, a little bit of C++ and some Logic before finding python was a perfect fit.

Also I used to write games in BBC BASIC - that's the most code I've actually written.

I feel like I have alot to learn before I come to write my own code.

(This is my favourite game design concept - Brick Dropp and Stabb, but it is too complicated for a first game, it requires alot of level design - platformer and puzzles.)

okay I've moved it here -

Here is my feedback:

Mogul 1 - high school hustler:

This game design would really benefit from some sketches. Sketch out what the map looks like and use pictures to convey ideas rather than words.

Also know your audience and make sure that the ideas that you come up with and that the game ideas that you develop are ideas that you are comfortable bearing your name forever. What I mean by that is you have mixed high school students with illicit drugs and porn magazines and it is personally not an idea I would probably want my name on forever.

A flow chart would help make the game play logic clearer here.

Generally people don't like games where they can't win, but this is obviously up to you.

It needs more details and it seems to be a bit poorly organized. Try grouping things together. For example your "Play Process" should be broken into sections. One sections could be "Loss conditions" and describe all the was that the player can die. This helps make it easier to find information.

Seven Endure an Epic Quest:

This phrase:

"Two of the most interesting features in this game, inspired in part by classic RPGs and also by Limbo is 1) the player's ability to really interact with his/her environment. And 2) the literally hundreds of secret items which enhance and enable certain powers/skills and combine with various facets of the character to evolve this character into a unique person, designed for the most part by the player."

This game just from that one paragraph describes years of work for a large team of people. Every item has to be made, every environment interaction defined. You can not simply say there will be hundreds of items, you have to actually MAKE hundreds of items! That means drawing them, animating them, programming them, balancing them, and testing them!

Using tables for the character attributes would improve readability. The numbers are really going to change during the play testing phase.

You need several hundred more pages to describe each and every piece of the environment, and each and every item and their interactions and effects. You also need diagrams of the game play logic and graphics (sketches) for each and every item. You probably want to have diagrams for each potential environmental interaction.

brick dropp and stabb:

Once again sketches and mockups would really help convey the ideas. Words take time to process and it is difficult from your words to really get a solid idea of how the game will work.

For example:

"the environment is similar to a platform game like Super Mario Brothers or Sonic: the Hedgehog. The third robot, Trisha, takes the mechanics of a tetris game and makes it physical."

I have absolutely no idea what this means at a glance. You do mention the different modes, but it is really difficult to follow what you are talking about.

"And the environment gets progressively more difficult to walk through."


"The more the puppet walks, the more difficult the scenery becomes and the more difficult it becomes for the player to keep the puppet from falling. If the puppet falls the play is over, the puppet returns to sitting position and the toy turns off."

How does the scenery become more difficult? What elements are introduced to increase the difficulty? For that matter what scenery is there?

"Instead of traditional animatronics where the strings are on the inside, tiny motors are attached to cables that work the puppet from above, externally."

I am not sure what information this is really telling me. So it is just a puppet?

"The controller, Jensen steps onto the balance board and the laser emits the backdrop."

I have no clue what the laser emits the backdrop means.

You need to add more details, use images to explain concepts, and to fully explain all aspects of the game.

thankyou that is really helpful, that is a lot to digest and it looks like I have a lot of work to do. I think I will need to invest many hours each week in the game design documents alone, on top of studying programming.

Also can you point me to some design doc examples/resources that might be useful?

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