
Github DDos Attack two days ago?

Started by March 29, 2015 08:11 PM
21 comments, last by hgoel0974 9 years, 6 months ago

I've long had the opinion that the international community should undermine the Chinese government, and we should place an embargo on them for Human rights violations/environmental violations/Wonton murder charges in their support of the North Korean regime.

I worked as the CTO for a mid-cap eviction processing company, and 60% of my time was dealing with Chinese scams/hackers. The cool thing is that even though there's a 0% chance of prosecuting them from the USA, our government doesn't really cooperate with them either on internet crimes, so Chinese targets are pretty much fair game online. I once had our webserver shove 2 GB/S of Pro-democracy literature down a chinese computer's pipe when it was trying to scrape our server for .pdf files.

I am getting ready to delve into learning security for programs, and all of a sudden I see a site like Github with a DDos attack. Automatically I see how serious it can get.

If this was a government thing though, I see how it could be indirectly aimed at the US government. I am very sure when Target (the retail store) was hacked, it was an indirect message that we should convert to cards with chips in them. Even then, it might not have necessarily been a foreign body, but even the US government.

Not long ago the source code for a system that bypasses Apples security was posted to Github as a statement that Apple needs to patch the bug. It's stuff like this that makes me say, "No duh," to so such an attack, especially if someone wants code taken off of the site.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.


Wonton murder charges

I realize you're talking seriously, but that's a hilarious misspelling considering we're talking about China.

I love the simple solution they use to stop the javascript execution to prevent looping on the request to [Follow the link]

Wonton murder charges

I realize you're talking seriously, but that's a hilarious misspelling considering we're talking about China.

I was going to say "Mass murder charges", but then I changed it to "Wanton". Then I looked at my desk and saw a chinese delivery place's menue and settled on Wonton.

Wanton murder is a funny word. How can you commit murder without wanton, seeing how murder is defined as killing someone a) unlawfully, b) willingly and c) with malice aforethought?


Wanton murder is a funny word. How can you commit murder without wanton, seeing how murder is defined as killing someone a) unlawfully, b) willingly and c) with malice aforethought?

  1. 1.
    (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked.
    "sheer wanton vandalism"

Wanton includes unprovoked as a requirement. Let's say someone sleeps with my girlfriend and taunts me about it (provoking me). I then burn his house down and he dies in the fire.

It's Murder obviously, however, it was provoked. Therefore not Wanton.

However, let's say the guy had some kids living with him and they died as well, they hadn't provoked me, it would be Wanton murder in their case.

Neither of which would be "wonton murder" as the earlier posters called it.

Wonton murder, I suppose, would be murder of some little meat-fiilled dumplings of tasty goodness.

Rest in peace my little dumplings.

(of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked.

It's hard to murder someone without a cruel or violent action and not deliberately. If it isn't deliberate, then it it's manslaughter or an accidential death, not murder. Most ways of killing someone are cruel or violent (barbiturate intoxication being one of the very few exceptions, but you can hardly shoot or stab or strangle someone without cruelty and violence). Anyone who isn't a complete idiot won't provoke murder, even if murderers will claim that they had been provoked.

Funnily, "wanton negligence" seems to be a valid term in English, too (and is almost just as nonsensical. though arguably it makes a little more sense insofar as you might deliberately not care what happens to someone because of something you did).

Wonton murder charges

Intentional pun, perhaps? Won ton instead of wanton - very apropos! smile.png

-- Tom Sloper --

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