I have been struggling to come up with a formula or method for designing cards for my current project, it is still design phase but I have just thought of one method to use and I am unsure as to whether or not it is a valid workflow. Please inform me if this is an absurd and invalid method, or if there is a better method that you know of.
I propose to use a stat sheet system, where each card starts off with 100 stat points to spend on the various elements that give a card its value. In my game that would be Terrain familiarity, elemental affinity, face strength, and any unique abilities etc. In addition, cards would be able to adopt weaknesses in exchange for additional stat points, that can be invested in other strengths. I would make a tool to ease the design process, and that would inform me if it is similar or identical to any other card in the system. Given that the core mechanic is playing cards on a grid, with face values that when exceeding the adjacent cards, turns them, I would first assign a cost to face values then from there assign assumed values to other components. Then using some other heuristic method associate some assumed cost with abilities. Abilities that are innate to a card will be rear and costly, however, I am considering the concept of deferred abilities and unique bonuses, which would be cheaper as a result of the additional costs in time and effort to make effective. A deferred ability would be an ability that is made into a card of its own, that can then be applied to the card in question through play. A unique bonus is the concept of a card that is extra beneficial only to this card, but is useful to all or most cards.
I am a beginner to game design and this isn't very scientific, but it seems like it could be of some use. Please advise. And please suggest a method for associating a reasonable cost on abilities, as they are not traits common to all cards and they could have extremely complex and deep uses that would alter their perceived value.
p.s sorry that I did not edit this and clean up my ramblings, trying to get some things done at the moment.
Thanks in advance!