The rules of order of operations dictates brackets, multiplication, division, addition and than subtraction .
Please acknowledge the corrections others have made—this is exactly what a programmer can absolutely not afford to misunderstand.
Multiplication, division, and modulus have the same priority and are executed in order of appearance.
Addition and subtraction follow have the same priority, again whichever comes first.
The question was not explicitly posed in the context of programming or any programming language. I don't know of many programming languages where 6/2(1+2) is a valid expression in the first place.
Outside of that context many people are not taught that multiplication and division have equal precedence. They learn one of BEDMAS or PEMDAS or some other mismash of the two mnemonics, depending on where they grew up, and sticking to that precedence order is rather strictly enforced. At least, it was where I went to school (for me it was BEDMAS). So, for a lot of people, one of multiplication or division does in fact always have precedence. Given that different people are taught different precedence rules, I'd say the question as presented is too ambiguous to evaluate without more context. Of course, that appears to be the point.