The player controls 200 planets/systems let's say. It's a lot. To help managing these I thought of making administrative zones.
The player can assign a planet (any planet) as an administrative center. It creates a zone with the selected planet as the center. You don't assign other planets to the zone, they all are auto assigned to the nearest administrative planet (proximity). So if there are two administrative centers (zones) planets will be auto divided between these. Which means planets can change their zone affiliation quite a lot (whenever a new administrative planet is assigned all planets affiliation is recalculated).
The starting planet (homewolrd) is by default an administrative zone (can't change it, so it's assured that the player has at least one administrative zone - kindly please ignore the conquest of homeworld scenario )
That's what I have and I wonder how to proceed form here
Maybe something like: you appoint governors to the planets and zone admnistrator to zones; planets within same zone somewhat trade each other (inside your empire) or share some resources, etc? Maybe some institutions that you manage on zone level (not as a building on a planet)?