Can any1 advise me game CONSTRUCTOR for games like Life is strange, Walking dead, etc, - means that solution must offer nice 3d with rich natural animations (and of cource with samples for models, textures, and motions). Or such animations can be done only by big studios with motion-capture? I remember times when they (constructors) had appeared. Many years ago... Maybe there are now already such ready solutions?
What? maybe you want to rephrase that question a little bit, as it is slightly hard to understand right now.... also, hijacking other peoples threads is not very nice IMO.
I'll try to decipher and answer your question anyway:
What you are looking for most probably is a Game Engine with a fully blown Editor. Best bets for small Indies and hobbyists at the moment are Unity and Unreal Engine 4. Both feature very good editors, and can be used for anything from small 2D games up to almost AAA 3D level. Both have large communities and a good set of tutorials and API documentation available.
"rich natural animation" can be done today with low cost MoCap solutions... examples are iPi solutions using multiple Eye cameras or Kinects for fully 3D movments, but with the need for some space to set up. There are even cheaper solutions available, for example on the Unity Asset Store, using a single Kinect for MoCap. Needs less space and is cheaper, but only for simple animations without full body turns and such.
All of these will give you usable MoCap for the major bones, but no Facial or Hand animations as of yet. Something MIGHT be developped for the new Kinect 2 this or next year, but nothing has surfaced yet I know of.
In the end, you will get 50% of the animations done with MoCap this way, but the hard part (face and hands you will still need to do manually in Blender or Maya.
Then, there is the possibility to buy animation clips from websites like Mixamo. Works just fine, but costs something... its not cheap to get a full set of animations that way (a year of full access is 1500$, so go figure how much 2 seconds of animation might cost :) ).
Now, before you even try that... you mention some quite high-end Indie titles... these are not really AAA, but still have quite large, expierienced Studios behind them.
Without programming and expierience in using the engine you will not get anywhere. And then you need the nice looking 3D models for your nice looking animations. Do you have expierience with 3D modelling and rigging?
Have a look at Mixamo Fuse for the later... just be prepared to shell out some bucks, again. You can try MakeHuman, which is free, but less feature rich.