It is hard to find dedicated people.
No it isn't.
It is hard to find dedicated people without paying them a good wage.
You can get amazingly talented people who are strongly dedicated. They will remain dedicated as long as the paychecks clear the bank.
I think that leads back to the whole crux of the thread.
There are those who think a share is a magical ticket to riches when in reality those shares have zero value. In this case you are not paying them a good wage.
There are others who know what they are doing and will reluctantly pay with shares that have a reasonable chance of eventually having value. In that case you are paying them with ownership which does have some real value, even if that real value is small at present. This is the "it takes money to make money" investment mentality, where they know they need to invest heavily for an extended time before there is a chance of recovering the investment. This group understands that within certain parameters of a good business investment, the more they invest the more likely the investment will pay out.
The first is the "indie" who works for a few days and produces nothing of value. The payment of shares is nothing. The second is the group is making a serious investment, the payment of shares is potentially quite valuable.