Since I've been in numerous [unproductive] arguments regarding coding style (i.e. camelCase, CamelCase, under_scores, etc.), and it kinda makes wonder whether anyone would choose an engine based on this primarily. So far, it looks like almost everyone prefers camelCase, which I don't like but I prefer under_scores, which everyone else doesn't like, and my engine is written like this:
struct ke_d3d11_renderdevice_t : public ke_renderdevice_t;
void ke_d3d11_renderdevice_t::do_whatever( int param )
Of course, I don't mind this at all:
struct KeDirect3D11RenderDevice : public KeRenderDevice;
void KeDirect3D11RenderDevice::DoWhatever( int iParam1 )
Come to think of it, I haven't seen any well known engines using the former, and it makes me wonder if that would hurt the usability of my engine, so I'm thinking about changing it this week.
What matters to me most is usability and portability, and so far, it builds fine on Windows, Mac and iOS (planning to do Linux, Android/FireTV, Blackberry, and any necessary consoles).
So, if Engine X was a world renowned engine like Unreal, Unity, Ogre, etc, but used underscores in it's API, would you likely not use it? After all the arguments I've had about underscores, I wonder what everyone else thinks.