Hello again,
A good principle in UI design is to design your UI in greyscale first, allowing you to focus entirely on contrast, space, alignment, and so on. A good UI should work perfectly in greyscale. Afterwards you would use colors with similar value to finish your UI.
A game design principle I learned from Tomonobu Itagaki is, “Never add anything meaningless to your game.”
With that in mind, I've polished your UI a bit:
[attachment=26846:pocket space research screen 1.png]
Fig. 1, polished UI
As you can see, I've removed quite a lot of “meaningless” information, and brought more consistency into the design. I used the Gold symbol as a placeholder for a Planet symbol and a Research points symbol that I strongly suggest you create for UI consistency. The Research button at the top received a simple color inversion to highlight that it is the active menu. Clicking the Research button again should remove the highlight and close the window. I moved the Prestige symbol a bit down for consistency, I would also suggest making the star edgier to make it more clearly visible as a star on higher resolution monitors; right now the edges are too rounded. A simple bit of whitespace between Sociology and Artifacts makes the distinction clear. I would suggest brightening the Artifacts button to something inbetween its current value and that of the Sociology button—right now it looks like it can't be selected. I completely removed the scientist image in the initial design because it is superfluous to the actual function; because of this I did not want to be influenced by it.
Once I was done, I thought of how to best add the scientist image to the UI. To make it look as though part of the UI, I made the edges transparent:
[attachment=26847:pocket space research screen 2.png]
Fig. 2, polished UI + scientist image
If you have any further questions about changes I made, please don't hesitate to ask.
Now as far as functionality is concerned, and this is where we come to your question, a good UI requires little to no explanation. If I see a button, I should have an idea of what function it serves. This is what I think of your buttons, any buttons I don't mention are perfectly clear:
M: no idea what function this serves
D: no idea what function this serves
Electronics: no idea what function this serves
Bio-Chemistry: no idea what function this serves
Sociology: semi-clear
I've highlighted some other problems in your UI:
[attachment=26849:pocket space research screen - problem areas.png]
Fig. 3, problematic areas in the UI
(1) The menu is labelled Research, yet the text uses the label Science. Always use the Research label when referring to Research for consistency. Similarly, always use the Research points symbol instead of text when referring to Research points for UI concistency. Mousing over the Gold, Planet, or Research points symbol at any point in the UI should bring up an explanation of the symbol. Refer to Civilization V for an excellent UI in this regard. Also, generally try to phrase explanations as actions. A better text would be, “Spend [research points symbol] to research new technologies. Select Primary or Secondary to enhance [research points symbol] acquisition in the corresponding field of research. Artifacts ...”
(2) The two boxes are not aligned.
(3) Why is the Reports button down here? Move it to somewhere in the UI where similar functions can be found. Move the End Turn button to the right and up, so that it has similar space from the right edge as the bottom edge, and some room to breathe from both edges.
(4) Use commas to separate every third digit for clarity with large numbers (e.g., 5,478,100 or 1,644 or 2,108).
Cheers and good luck with your devin',