
GUI Ideas for a Tower Defense Game

Started by March 15, 2015 08:10 PM
5 comments, last by ferrous 9 years, 11 months ago

Good evening everybody.

I'm currently programming a little Tower Defense Game. The problem is, i'm really not creative and have no idea how to design a nice looking and intuitive GUI. So maybe you could give some advice/ideas for a good GUI.

The Game will have different types of towers, so i need a posibility to select one of those towers.

Furthermore, the Towers are upgradeable, thus i need some GUI for that.

And the most important thing, how to build the towers? Click on the Field and select what type of Tower to build, or select a type of Tower and just click on every Field you want to build a Tower? Attached is a picture how my TD looks like...

I really hope you can help me, if you have to much time, a little sketch of a possible GUI would be pleasant...


PS: Sorry for my bad english...

Attached is a picture how my TD looks like..


One important piece of information you have left out is whether your game is a mobile game or a PC game. A UI that works well for one doesn't always work well for the other.


Ok, now a picture should be attached...

The Game is for pc only...

best way is a menu somewhere with all towers types you click on the type you prefer and then "drag" that transparent tower around the map until you click to place it (or rotate or anything)

then it depends how many features your game has, if many (like towers, research, spells, whatever else) maybe just a icon for all towers, if not maybe all small towers icon in a row/column which is faster to use

for the towers upgrade its super easy, just make them selectable and when selected you make a small ui pop up with an upgrade icon, maybe delete or move if the game allows it and maybe a small windows with towers stats, a few bars representing its power/range or what is relevant for thte game

One detail that most tower-defense games get wrong: Allow the user to use keys to do most things: select a type of tower to build, upgrade the selected tower, sell the selected tower (if this is expected to be a common action), etc.

Other than that, play a few TD games and see what you like or don't like in their interfaces.

That's seriously minimalistic.

Here is a debug run of a proof-of-concept prototype I worked on some time ago. It's pretty classic thing.

In theory you should be able to see the grass area without the darkened border. It's supposed to be replaced by some decoration.

The black zone is the "control zone" (incomplete). It's meant to present information about enemies and towers. For the time being, only tower selection and enchantments are partially provided.

The reversed D thing is the arrow tower buy button. There are supposed to be 4 at a certain point.

The thing that looks like an A (it's supposed to be a windswept mountain) is the persistent enchantment enable button.

Previously "Krohm"


You could probably just go out and try the top 5-10 tower defense games on something like Kongregate, and take the best UI elements from each.

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