
Low poly style estimation

Started by March 07, 2015 12:58 PM
7 comments, last by Kouign 9 years, 6 months ago


I contact you because I'm wondering if you have an idea about prices for (very) low poly models like that:


I've already work with professional but with 2D elements (something like 30$ per element and 200$ per skeletal animation). I haven't found any informations about that and I think contacting modelers directly is not a good idea for now, because I've just a concept in mind so I don't want to create frustration if the project will not exist.

My goal is to estimate a project final price.

By the way, what do you think about this style?

Thanks a lot!

I love the style smile.png

I'm a little confused by your post. Is this something you're working on and looking to sell the assets as a whole? Or, is this something you've been contracted to do, but are asking about the final price to charge for the completed project? Or, are you looking to pay a 3D artist to make these assets?

Edit* nevermind, I get it now.

Personally, I have no idea what the going rate is. But, as others have pointed out, having the other party make the first offer will generally work out in your favor.

I'd do it for those rates (your 2D rates). But, I'm not a professional. My point only being that you could certainly find someone to do things within your budget. As low-polygon as that is, with as simple textures that are used there, you likely don't need to budget a huge amount for a professional 3D modeller, and could likely name your price and find someone experienced enough who is willing to do it.

Beginner here <- please take any opinions with grain of salt

There's no standard, as freelancing is a "free market." Experienced professionals usually charge higher but deliver faster.
You'll find people that charge by the hour, by asset or even by day of work.


Perhaps it's safer to be conservative with your estimate.
If you want an actual value in US$ then you might as well contact some artist that has a style similar to what you want and find out their [current] rates.
Don't worry, it doesn't cause frustration on the artist, the artist has done that several times before.
Here are a couple of low-poly artists (the only ones I know, in fact):


If you want this kind of props you could make them yourself for free using blender.

All you would need is a clear idea of what you want to make, then add a Ico sphere or subdivided cube and shape it.

As a professional 3d artist I would say the normal fees would be:

Per hour.

$1 - $5 for a student artist,

$2.5 - $15 for a professional artist.

This does seem like a lot, yet this barely covers the living costs for a single person, if the artist has a family thy probably have a more steady job.

The alternate and best option in my opinion is per model.

$0-$5000 Ranging from that rock in the image to a Unique realistic human model that is never to be soled to anyone else.

Several of my colleagues and I over better rates for clients who allow us to work on there models during our free time, we all have steady jobs and use freelancing as a way of making spending money while keeping our skills sharp.

As a professional 3d artist I would say the normal fees would be:

Per hour.
$1 - $5 for a student artist,
$2.5 - $15 for a professional artist.

Where are you living ? $1 would be ~$2000 for a full year of work. $15 dollar would be ~$ 26000 for a full year of work. This is by far too low, at least if you are living in USA. Take a look at the links Kryzon included and additionally at this link:

I can tell you from freelance perspective 30 - 50$ an hour is the going rate. Some artists who have NOTHING in their portfolio will give you a lower rate, but those deals are hard to come by. That said, some artists are willing to do per asset work so long as there is a lot and its worth their time (again you can find those who will break the mold and do it anway, but the common freelance wont).

As for an estimation on the models, you would need to detail out what exactly you want/need. For the picture shown there you are looking at: (the times I am quoting are what it would take me to make them. Some artists are slower and some are faster. Check the portfolios to see how well they work with the medium you are looking for )

  • 7 tree models ( 30 min to create, 15 min to UV Map, and 25 min to Texture )
  • 6 Rock models ( 45 min to create, 15 min to UV Map, and 35 min to Texture )
  • 2 Grass models ( 20 min to create, 10 min to UV Map, and 25 min to Texture )

Add those up and you get:

  • 95 min to create the assets (with no changes)
  • 40 min to UV Map (with no changes)
  • 85 min to Texture (with no changes)

Total time = 220 minutes

Total price = (220 / 60) = (3.6hrs * 30$ an hour) = $110

Keep in mind that this is a lowball quote and not a single artist who knows what they are doing will give you anything less than an hour per model. This means you are looking for considerable more. If you were to find these models on the asset store (such as unity) they are around the price I quoted you for. If you contract somebody to do them for you personally you can look to multiply the quoted price I gave you by 3 - 5. Shop around and see what they are offering. Look for the things I discussed here and if you have questions just ask. (that doesnt mean share their prices they quoted you for but you can ask general questions)

One last thing to keep in mind is that every artist is different. Some have loads of time and nothing better to do so they will be more than likely to work with you. The very skilled artists who have been doing this for some time will be less likely to budge on value vs time. Everything you read (even this post) is subject to change depending on 50 different factors at any given point in time. Use the basics of the links posted ( polycount forum ) and whatever information you have been given to help you make your decision.


There's no standard, as freelancing is a "free market." Experienced professionals usually charge higher but deliver faster.
You'll find people that charge by the hour, by asset or even by day of work.


Perhaps it's safer to be conservative with your estimate.
If you want an actual value in US$ then you might as well contact some artist that has a style similar to what you want and find out their [current] rates.
Don't worry, it doesn't cause frustration on the artist, the artist has done that several times before.
Here are a couple of low-poly artists (the only ones I know, in fact):


Unrelated to the OP, but those are some nice artists you know! :P

Where are you living ? $1 would be ~$2000 for a full year of work. $15 dollar would be ~$ 26000 for a full year of work.

Oh I forgot to mention I am not a American, I am South African.

Back when I freelanced the conversion rate for dollars where $1 = 10 ZAR. Minimum wage for a South African per year was 36000-40000 ZAR or $3600 -$4000, for a person living alone this was barely enough money.

So the last year $17536(I still have my balances) was R175360 so more than 4 times minimum wage at the time.

Strange thing bout South Africa, for R700 you could eat for a month but it's the price for a single new release console game.

I really like this kind of style, it is funny to see how very low poly become the pixel art of 3D game happy.png

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