
How to convert obj/fbx to sdkmesh or vbo.

Started by March 06, 2015 01:24 AM
1 comment, last by MiXen 9 years, 7 months ago

I have a big problem to convert obj model to sdkmesh or vbo. I use meshconvert.exe from MSFT and I use paramets -sdkmesh -nodds -op -y . My problem is that, in sample from MSFT(so there is no error in code) I didn't get exacly, what I see in 3ds max:

3ds max:

my result:

So anybody can help me, what I doing wrong or maybe there is a simpliest way to convert it? Thanks for any help.

Looks like a winding issue (or handedness trouble). If this is the tool you're using then -flip might work.

Sory, I try to use it, but it doesn't help, the result is the same. Maybe there is some other tools, that runs better? Or maybe what should I change in this paramets?

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