'Ello everybody, it's good to be back in the forum-post saddle... I've of course been continually preening and buffing out the lore of my game world- it is going according to plan for the most part.
I've been hard at work at establishing a 'global state of affairs' for the player to become immersed in. An element of the story telling involves a disjunction between the immediate experience of your characters and the looming political subplot. Linking the two of course will be the philosophical content of the game- which will gradually wind around itself Ouroborically until at last the game comes 'full circle' and thrusts its message in the player's face painfully. Disparate events reform as a singularity- and this in itself is a philosophical theme.
But back to the topic at hand. I've been working a bit more on the nature of the villain's scheme for the purpose of getting some more visceral impact out of it.
My plan is to have an AI in the game, call it CR0-9. This is an AI that manages the governmental affairs of one of the three central continents in my game as well as the confidential materials that an underground scientific community utilizes to input data and findings. Thus- the AI is largely responsible for regulating a lot of important material throughout the world. I plan on introducing this AI through cut-scenes involving governmental elite for the third central continent- rather comedic ones.
So my idea, as indicated in the topic title, is to have this AI really be the main villain who is directly hooked up to the CPU.
This does a few things for the plot:
1.) The villain has a reason for knowing much, and in advance.
2.) He can keep tabs both on the scientific organization, and the relatively technologically advanced 'stable' continent.
3.) When he needs to exact his plan, he can practically force both forces to do his bidding.
4.) CR0-9 is a re-iteration of the villain's real name, Cronine.
The 'dramatic irony' at work is that this villain professes to be more human than anybody else despite his thoroughly 'inhuman' body. Another component of the irony is that his brother is mobile- and he represents the antagonist that is 'in sight' for most of the game. So it all ultimately spills together by the end.
Feedback, comments, anything is fine to hear from you all. Is it generic ultimately? I really must lend heavy thanks to all the people here who heard me out beforehand because my story is nearing the point where the 'sequence of events' can start to be lain out. I'm pretty happy with all of the material I have so far.